Our AI Detector is designed with writers in mind. Submit your writing to see if—and how—AI was used to create the text.
1,200 words
AI-generated & AI-refined
Human-written & AI-refined
1,200 words
Caution: Our AI Detector is advanced, but no detectors are 100% reliable, no matter what their accuracy scores claim. Never use AI detection alone to make decisions that could impact a person's career or academic standing.
Paraphrasing and grammar checking tools are ethical uses of AI writing technology. They help millions of non-native English speakers and writers refine their text and express their ideas fluently.
But most AI detectors can’t tell the difference between text that’s been generated with AI and text that’s been refined using these tools. This leads to false positives and cultural bias.
So we built a better AI detector.
We don’t just identify AI-generated text. We also analyze text refined with paraphrasers or grammar checkers—including our own.
Here's what else sets our AI detector apart:
Scan unlimited documents at no cost
Analyze blogs, papers & any other text
Know exactly which text appears AI-generated
Receive your report in seconds
QuillBot’s AI content detector tool is trained with advanced algorithms to identify repeated words, awkward phrases, and unnatural flow, which are key indicators that the content is AI-generated. However, the more advances are made in AI models, the less any AI detector tool will be able to distinguish human-written from AI-generated content.
Yes, QuillBot’s AI Detector for teachers can report the likelihood that text in essays and other class assignments is AI-generated.
QuillBot’s AI Detector can only detect text and not images, video, or other rich media content.
The AI writing detector only identifies text generated by artificial intelligence. QuillBot has a host of other tools, including a Grammar Checker, Plagiarism Checker, and Paraphraser that can all help you improve the quality of your writing.
No. The AI Detector content checker will inform you of any AI-generated content, while our Plagiarism Checker can assist with unintentional plagiarism in AI-generated content.
No, the AI Detector will simply give you a percentage between 0% and 100% that represents the likelihood that AI-generated or AI-augmented content is in your text.
The AI Detector can currently analyze text in English, Spanish, German, and French.