Discover how to make writing painless anywhere. Seamlessly integrate QuillBot into your favorite tools.
Fix grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors.
Rephrase any text with 2 free (Standard, Fluency) and 5 Premium (Formal, Simple, Creative, Expand,Shorten) modes.
Learn from your mistakes and improve your English.
Focus on your tone to improve readability.
QuillBot for Chrome helps you write faster, smarter, and better
Compose for any audience.
Check your spelling and grammar.
Improve your writing skills.
Where can I use QuillBot for Chrome?
QuillBot for Chrome works across Gmail, Google Docs, LinkedIn, Outlook, Slack, Confluence, Notion, Facebook, X, and many other websites.
How reliable is QuillBot for Chrome compared to the web app?
QuillBot for Chrome performs just as well as the web app.
What’s the difference between an extension and a web application?
The extension has a more active presence, so you can take advantage of QuillBot’s paraphrasing and grammar checking wherever you are writing.