Survivorship Bias | Examples & Definition

Survivorship bias is a term used to describe a type of selection bias. It occurs when a set of data for analysis is skewed by excluding certain data points due to the selection process. When the surviving data are examined as the only relevant examples, they produce inaccurate results because relevant data have been excluded.

Survivorship bias example
A research study carried out on trauma patients admitted to a hospital emergency unit aimed to discover which procedures carried the best success rate. However, the researchers were only able to consider those patients who are well enough to give consent.

This means that the study does not include the most sick patients or those who do not survive, and the results are unrepresentative.

What is survivorship bias?

When selection criteria are used in a study, there is always the risk that the subjects selected (the “survivors”) will not tell the whole story. Because certain subjects have been excluded, the study fails to consider the whole range of possible outcomes or causes.

For example, if successful firms in a sector of the economy are studied, then those firms that fail or struggle will be excluded from the analysis. As a result, the study will not be able to analyze possible causes of failure or struggle.

Survivorship bias example
World War II bombers were the subject of a classic study that suffered from survivorship bias. Researchers began analyzing US bombers returning to their bases to see which areas were damaged so that they could be further reinforced.

By the very nature of the study, the planes being studied were “survivors,” and it was realized that the areas that hadn’t been hit were more worthy of study. Planes that didn’t make it back might well have been hit in those places and crashed as a consequence.

By studying only the surviving planes, the analysis suffered from incomplete and misleading data.

Is survivorship bias important?

Any bias that undermines the reliability of research or analysis is important. Some of the consequences of only examining some of the data include:

  1. Overoptimism. If a study only examines successful people or entities, it can easily be overoptimistic about the chances of success.
  2. Misinterpretation. It is easy to make false assumptions about cause and effect when excluding some data. For example, many tech industry superstars were high school dropouts, but their success was despite dropping out, not because of it.
  3. Incomplete decision-making. Interviewing gold medal-winning athletes might lead you to conclude that “focus” and “visualization” are what leads to success in athletics. However, it is also likely that the runner finishing last in the heats was also focusing and visualizing success.
Survivorship bias: popular misconception example
It is quite common to hear people say that things aren’t made the way they used to be and that modern appliances don’t last. These observations are in part prompted by old appliances that are still working today.

However, these “survivors” mask the unnumbered appliances that failed at least as soon as (if not sooner than) modern ones. This easily leads to the misconception that these older appliances are inherently more durable.

Survivorship bias doesn’t just pose problems in academic research but it can color our judgment in other ways too.

Survivorship bias in everyday life example
The pastor of a church is approached about moving the church office from its current rural location, accessible only by car.

Initially, he resists the inconvenience and expense of moving because so few people visit the office. He has taken the “survivors” (i.e., the ones who can make it to the office) as representative of his congregation. In reality, there are many others who would visit if the office were more accessible.

Preventing survivorship bias

A good research design will help you avoid potential problems with survivorship bias (and other research pitfalls). There are several steps you can take to reduce the risk of survivorship bias occurring:

  • Choose your data sources carefully, making sure that they include, for example, studies that report a whole range of outcomes.
  • Reflect on what might be missing from your data. Studying the main injuries suffered by marathon runners by interviewing race finishers misses the important data set of those who didn’t finish at all.
  • Be careful with data “cleaning.” Removing outliers might make sense in general terms, but always consider that outliers might be showing something important and worth considering.

As with many research problems, being aware of survivorship bias can help you to avoid falling into the trap.

Frequently asked questions about survivorship bias

What are some examples of selection bias?

There are many types of selection bias, including:

  • Attrition bias
  • Sampling bias
  • Survivorship bias
  • Self-selection bias
  • Undercoverage bias
  • Non-response bias
What is a historical example of survivorship bias?

During World War II, early studies of damage inflicted on US bombers focused on the damage sustained by planes that made it back to their bases. The decision was made to reinforce the areas most often damaged by enemy fire.

It was soon realized, however, that this was excluding the most important sources of data—the planes that never made it back to base. It became apparent that the most important places to reinforce the craft were where they had not been hit. Because the planes that were hit there hadn’t returned.

This is an excellent historical example of survivorship bias because the planes were literally the survivors, but they lacked the most important data.

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Trevor Marshall, MSc

Trevor has a BA in English Literature & Language and an MSc in Applied Social Studies. He has been a teacher for 25 years, with 15 years experience teaching ESL alongside 1st language students.