What Are Implications | Definition, Meaning & Examples

When you imply something (i.e., suggesting something without stating it directly), then you are making an implication. Implication is a noun, which also means implicating someone in a crime (i.e., strongly suggesting they were involved in the act).

The plural form, implications, is used in academic writing and refers to the consequences or influence of a study’s findings .

Implication in a sentence examples
There was an implication in the prime minister’s farewell speech that she would fight to return to power.

If this is true, then the implications are far-reaching and potentially disastrous.

Is the implication that there might be the chance of promotion later in the year?

The suspect’s full and frank confession led to the inevitable implication of his brother in the offense.

Implication and inference (from imply and infer) are often incorrectly used interchangeably. An implication is made by a speaker or writer, and the listener or reader makes the inference from what is said or written.

Implications vs effects

Sometimes you will see implications used interchangeably with “effects,” but they do not have the same meaning.

  • When an action or cause has possible conclusions, then these are implications.
  • When an action or cause has actual consequences or results, these are effects.
Implications vs effects examples
The implications of the research apply to all parties in the study sample.

The effects of social media exposure on adolescents are well-known and increasingly documented.

The Supreme Court ruling has implications for every stratum of society.

Reduced blood pressure and improved mobility are just two of the positive effects of regular stretching exercises.

Frequently asked questions about implications

What is a synonym for implication?

There are a number of synonyms or near-synonyms for implication, including:

  • Suggestion
  • Incrimination
  • Insinuation
  • Intimation

Implication is often incorrectly used to mean the same as “effect” but they have different meanings.

Our sentence rephraser can help you vary your writing and express your intended meaning.

What is an antonym for implication?

There a few antonyms for implication, including:

  • Assertion
  • Direct statement
  • Declaration

Our sentence rephraser can help you vary your writing and express your intended meaning.

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Trevor Marshall, MSc

Trevor has a BA in English Literature & Language and an MSc in Applied Social Studies. He has been a teacher for 25 years, with 15 years experience teaching ESL alongside 1st language students.