Father's Day Poetry: Poems for Dad + How to Write Your Own

In 2024, Sunday, June 16th marks an important day for many families around the world: Father’s Day. As we prepare to celebrate the fathers and father-like figures in our lives, we may wonder about what kind of gift to give our dads this year.

The answer is poetry. The gift of words is the greatest present anyone could receive because it conveys feelings of love, gratitude, nostalgia, and more in one of the most personal ways possible. A poem coming from the heart is a keepsake that will live on forever, something to be framed and cherished. Don’t be intimidated by the idea, either. We’re going to show you some examples of poems for dad, while also laying out the poem-writing process step-by-step, in case you’d like to write your own, so your Father’s Day poem will be one he’ll never forget.

Happy Father’s Day Poems – 2024

The best part about writing a Father’s Day poem is that you are unlimited in every sense of the word. Poetry is all about creativity and self-expression, so any rules you might have learned in school can be thrown right out the window━we’re getting inventive here! Poems about fathers can be short and to the point, long and sentimental, or flat-out funny. No matter which way you decide to go, one thing is certain: we’re all Team Father’s Day Poem 2024.

If you’re having trouble expressing your feelings the way you want to, try an online paraphrasing tool. It will show you multiple ways to express your thoughts, and you’ll be able to visually build sentences to reflect your desired tone and style.

Simply write the reasons you love and appreciate your dad in the paraphrasing input box, click the Paraphrase button, and try out the different writing Modes and features. Tools like this streamline your ideas into text that is fun and understandable, and they can take a lot of pressure off of you when Father’s Day is quickly approaching.

Throughout this article, we’ll be going over every aspect of writing a heartfelt poem for your dad. Here are some things you can expect as you read on:

  • How to write different types of Father’s Day poems (i.e. funny, sentimental, inspirational)
  • How to write Father’s Day poems from different family members (i.e. daughter, son, wife)
  • What details to add to your Father’s Day poem to make it pop
  • Tips on how to get started constructing a poem
  • Different types of poem structures you can use when writing your poem for Dad
  • Examples of different types of Father’s Day poems you can use or work off of when writing your own

Funny Father’s Day Poem

One thing that is sure to put a smile on your dad’s face is a little humor. Whether you reference shared memories, a favorite comedic movie or television show, inside jokes, or go off-the-cuff and start riffing, he is sure to get a kick out of a funny poem you write━or even one on a card that makes you think of him. You could also use your card or poem to tell him that, actually, you really hate golf and hope he changes your standing Sunday plans, but you’ll love him and golf with him regardless. Whichever way you go, a couple of most-excellent examples await you below.

To my Smelly Dad

Roses are red,

Violets are blue,

Please don’t sit near me,

There were beans in the stew.

You’re Wrong (But I Love You)

You said you didn’t want a dog,

Now Buster shares your seat.

You said you’d never give up bread,

Now you’re Gluten-free with me.

You said that you weren’t sleepy yet,

Now you’re snoring on the couch.

You said you’d never tell Dad jokes–

There’s too much lying in this house!

Father’s Day Inspirational Poems

Fathers are often the people we look to in times of need or hardship, and the selfless, hard-working examples they set for us growing up leave a lasting impression. With an inspirational poem for dad, you want to express all the ways he has influenced your life, personality, and choices in a positive way. Here’s one you can use━or maybe it will help you get started on writing your own:

My Father, My World

My father has been my world from grade school to college.

He has been a critical component of my life,

Carefully guiding and nurturing me through every step.

With all his love, strength, and support,

He allowed me to become the person I am,

With his direct and implied lessons,

I will inherit his wisdom and courage.

Father’s Day Poem from Wife to Husband

Writing a Father’s Day poem for your husband is actually quite easy. Keeping your sentiments simple and sweet are the keys to success here, and the example below really highlights those qualities. If it speaks to you, feel free to use it as you like or draw inspiration from it for your own prose.

The Father You Have Become

As your bride, I wanted life with you forever,

With our new marriage, you were loving, patient, and clever.

We wished for children━the sooner the better,

And when they began to arrive, it was one right after the other.

Life got exciting when our home was filled with toddlers,

They all received kisses when they said the word father.

Formal schooling challenged the children to learn,

With patience you reinforced their lessons allowing for an exponential return.

Our young adults depended on your experience and wisdom,

And only you could teach them to create plans to overcome.

Our family has benefited from the man that you are, the father you have become,

I cherish the years we formed our family, knowing full well it was tons of fun.

Father’s Day Poem from Daughter

A good game plan for writing a poem for dad from a daughter is to bring up your favorite memories of the times you’ve spent together. How did those experiences help shape you into the person you are today? What might he not know that you do because of him?

If you can express those memories and the love you feel when you think of them in the form of a poem, it will be an instant hit, whether it rhymes or not. Here is an example that walks through a lifelong relationship between a father and daughter.

My Life with You

As a little girl,

You read stories that filled my head.

As a teenager,

You understood my insignificant, life-altering issues.

As a young adult,

You allowed me to identify the path I wanted to walk.

As a mother with children of my own,

You modeled wisdom, so I could be a great parent like you.

Father’s Day Poem from Son

Many sons dream of growing up to be like their first hero, holding onto characteristics and values that they admired in their fathers while growing up. A Father’s Day poem from a son is a good way to illustrate the impact a father had on his son throughout his life. Here’s an example that does that well.

A Fortunate Son

I am so fortunate to have a father that is both loving and strong━

Kind heart,

Patience for most things,

Knowledge easily shared,

Sacrifice to satisfy my needs,

And as the years pass, we discover,

That we share the same love for each other.

More Easy Ways to Write Your Own Poem for Dad

So you’ve read the examples, and now you’re ready to try your hand at becoming a poet. There is one thing to keep in mind while going on this journey, and that is that there are no rules. There is no right or wrong way to write a poem to your dad; however, we’ll give you some tips that might make it easier.

The biggest piece of advice is to write from the heart. A poem is inherently personal, but the entire point of Father’s Day is to give thanks to your dad for being your dad. Get specific! Remind him of happy memories and shared hobbies you both have. Get in touch with your emotions, and let your dad know how you feel about him and his guidance throughout your life. Don’t censor yourself.

Poem structures are guidelines, not hard-and-fast rules. There is no poetry patrol that is going to mock you for going freeform. If the words are flowing, go with them. Structure can be fun to play around with, but the most important part of your Father’s Day gift is the content, not the packaging.


A limerick is a 5-line poem that includes 3 long lines and 2 short lines. The rhyme scheme is AABBA, meaning the first two lines rhyme with each other and with the last line (A), while the third and fourth lines rhyme with each other (B). Usually, the A lines are the longer ones, and the B lines are the shorter ones. Limericks are often funny and contain a punchy ending. Here is one example:

A Father’s Fate

There once was a new father who wanted to be great,

All of his adult life he nurtured this goal━his fate!

With love and kindness, he went through each day,

Always aware of what his actions would convey.

My father has taught me well, and has earned the status of first-rate.


Acrostic poems are fun and visual━a real win-win on Father’s Day. To construct an acrostic poem, think of a word that reminds you of your dad (such as a shared interest or memory), and write it vertically down the page. Each letter of that word is now the beginning of a line of your poem, and each line should relate to the vertical topic word. Here’s an example that lays it all out:

F – Family-forward leader of our people

A – Always keeping the family safe and secure

T – Taking time to explain complex life situations

H – Having patience while making difficult choices

E – Explaining financial responsibilities

R – Remembering the lessons of our ancestors

S – Satisfying the role of a responsible parent

D – Demanding and expecting mutual respect

A – Attending to family matters

Y – Yielding to the needs of others


A concrete poem is also called a shape poem because the lines are arranged in the shape of whatever it is that the poem is about. For Father’s Day, you might arrange the lines of the poem in a heart, to show your love for your dad, or you might arrange them in the shape of a house, to represent family. Here is one that centers around baseball and the shared memories that come along with that topic.

Baseball Dad on Father’s Day

I love my father’s passion for the game of baseball.

My father is the ultimate fan,

He plays the game with his friends,

He coaches at the high school.

Because I love my father, I love his favorite ball game too,

Happy Father’s Day to a baseball dad.

Today I honor my father,

What better way than to take a trip to the baseball field.


A haiku may seem simple due to its short length, but there are quite a few things that go into making this classic type of Japanese poem. A haiku is only 3 lines long, with a syllable structure of 5-7-5, meaning the first and third lines have 5 syllables total, and the second line has 7 syllables total. Here is an example of a haiku for Father’s Day:


Father hears me talk

Father listens to my dreams

Father stands by me

Final Thoughts

Whether or not you take the poetry plunge yourself in writing for Dad this year, you now have many examples of poems you can use or draw inspiration from. Remember, it’s not about your words being perfect or your rhymes being flawless, it’s about sharing your love with him on his special day.

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Paige Pfeifer, BA

Paige teaches QuillBot writers about grammar rules and writing conventions. She has a BA in English, which she received by reading and writing a lot of fiction. That is all she knows how to do.