Grammar check for free! Paste your text in the grammar checker and hit the button to fix all grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors using cutting-edge AI technology.
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Free Grammar Checker

QuillBot's free online AI grammar checker tool is built to help professionals review text for grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors.

Whenever you need to review your writing—or grammar check emails, documents, reports, and more—QuillBot makes editing painless. QuillBot’s free online sentence corrector helps you avoid mistakes and perfect your writing, all while preserving your unique voice.


Get fast, accurate, and helpful corrections


Fix grammar, spelling, punctuation, and more


Detect and fix errors across different dialects


Correct grammar in 6+ different languages

100% free

Run unlimited grammar checks at no cost


Get fast, accurate, and helpful corrections


Fix grammar, spelling, punctuation, and more


Detect and fix errors across different dialects


Correct grammar in 6+ languages

100% free

Run unlimited grammar checks at no cost


Get a writing assistant wherever you go

QuillBot works across all of your favorite apps and websites, so you can write professionally on every platform.

Google’s favorite extension





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For additional details, read more.

One grammar checker to rule them all

Correct grammar

Should you use “effect” or “affect” ? What’s the difference between “their,” “there,” and “they’re”? There’s so much to remember when it comes to proper grammar, no matter what language you speak. Luckily, QuillBot has your back with the best online grammar checker out there—and it’s free!

Correct spelling

QuillBot corrects both misspelled and misused words, so you’ll never have to worry about pesky spelling rules or the differences between homophones again. With our free online spell check, spelling errors are a thing of the past. Your writing will be polished and professional from here on out.

Correct punctuation

What’s a comma splice? When should you use a semicolon? Does a comma belong there? Even spelling and grammar sticklers can have a tough time following punctuation rules, so it’s a good thing QuillBot’s AI Grammar Checker doubles as a punctuation checker. By using QuillBot for Chrome, you can save your brainpower for articulating your ideas since you’ll have correct punctuation all figured out, wherever you write.

Correct tons of grammatical errors with just one click

We care that your workflow is streamlined, which is why we rolled three tools into one with our cutting-edge Grammar Checker. It provides a reliable sentence check for grammar, spelling, and punctuation. QuillBot will grammar check sentences from the beginning to the end of any project you’re working on with one simple click, making sure that your work is eloquent and error-free.

Simplify your writing workflow

Sick of having so many tabs open to access different writing and research tools? We get it. Cut down on common writing roadblocks by minimizing the distractions that come with a sea of open tabs. QuillBot has cutting-edge AI-based writing tools for paraphrasing, summarizing, grammar checking, and more. Create a smooth, simple workflow on our sleek, user-friendly interfaces. Save yourself time, energy, and frustration with our arsenal of helpful products.

Below are examples of grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors that QuillBot’s Grammar Checker will identify and help you understand how to fix.


Subject-verb agreement

My mom like pizza and tacos.

My mom likes pizza and tacos.

Word misuse

The affect of this change is unclear.

The effect of this change is unclear.

Comma splices

First I went to the grocery store, I went to the library afterwards.

First I went to the grocery store, and then I went to the library afterwards.

Singular vs. plural nouns

Four pets found new home today.

Four pets found new homes today.

Consecutive nouns

I need to go to the instruments repair shop.

I need to go to the instrument repair shop.

Possessive plural nouns

You need both of your parent’s permission.

You need both of your parents’ permission.

Unnecessary prepositions

Come to here.

Come | here.

But this free grammar check goes further. It takes a holistic view of your writing to help you communicate more fluently, concisely, and clearly. If you need to boost readability or simplify an overly complex statement, it’s just the tool for you.

Turn a grammar check into a learning experience

Every writer’s background is different. Some of us took great writing courses, while others learned through trial and error. When Grammar Checker flags mistakes in your writing, it visually brings these issues to your attention, helping you learn and grow into a better, more compelling writer.

“That’s how you spell ‘receipt’? I’ve been spelling it wrong forever!”

“I guess I do need a conjunction between these two phrases separated by a comma. They are both complete thoughts—I understand comma splices now!”

QuillBot has what you need

QuillBot offers you top-notch tools for perfecting your writing, from our Paraphraser and Summarizer to our Plagiarism Checker. We even help with any English variant you’re writing in, whether it’s UK, US, Australian, or Canadian.

But the fun doesn’t stop with English. Now you can use Grammar Checker to guarantee your text is error-free in German, French, Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese, Swiss German, and Dutch. After all, perfect prose is a global goal.

At QuillBot, we’re committed to making writing painless by building the most robust writing and research platform in the world. Backed by AI technology, our models are more dynamic than those of any other tools on the market, and we’re always looking to improve our users’ experience and workflow.

What other tools would be helpful to you?

QuillBot Grammar Checker FAQs

Below are some of the most frequently asked questions with regard to Grammar Checker.

Grammar is the set of rules that shape how we organize words to make meaningful sentences. Correct grammar helps ensure your writing is clear, coherent, and impactful.

There are so many reasons, but we’ll try to keep this short:

  1. It thoroughly combs your writing for both simple and complex errors but suggests only necessary changes.
  2. It considers your meaning, not just the words and punctuation you use.
  3. It’s user friendly and lets you run the show.
  4. It tells you why each change is needed so you can learn.
  5. It’s available both online and as an extension for Chrome, Edge, and Word.
  6. It offers all these advantages without demanding that you sign up or pay.

  1. Either copy and paste your text into the text box or begin typing.
  2. Click on each underlined error to view the replacement options.
  3. Accept or reject each grammar suggestion.
Our Grammar Checker explains its suggestions and gives you a choice about which corrections to accept, so you’re always in control.

QuillBot works in six different languages (English, Spanish, German, Dutch, French, and Portuguese) and several different dialects. Supported dialects include Swiss German as well as several different varieties of English. On the other hand, Grammarly only works in English dialects.

Anyone can use QuillBot's Grammar Checker (and we hope you do). It’s particularly great for students who need to double check their work before handing it in, for professionals who are sending formal correspondence, for those who are learning English to get acquainted with English grammar rules, and for those who speak a myriad of other languages, like French, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Swiss German, and Dutch. With QuillBot's Grammar Checker:

  1. Students can check their work before submitting it.
  2. Professionals can ensure their business documents are error-free.
  3. Language learners can understand German, French, Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese, Swiss German, and Dutch grammar rules.

Absolutely! Our Grammar Checker doubles as a spell check tool to ensure that every part of every sentence you write is correct. It can be hard to keep track of all the moving parts of a writing project, but now you can cross correct spelling off that list━we’ve got it covered.

Yes, Grammar Checker can be used as a punctuation check. Using the correct punctuation is of the utmost importance when trying to communicate effectively, so we know how necessary it is that our tool functions as a grammar and punctuation check.

Yes! Our AI Grammar Checker is completely free to use. There is no sign up or payment required.