Assignment: Improving Vocabulary

Vocabulary is an important part of reading comprehension.  The more we read, the more vocabulary words we will recognize. In fact, the best way to develop a rich vocabulary is to read widely and frequently.

Proficient readers also use strategies for dealing with unfamiliar words. They continue to build their vocabularies through effective use of:

  • the dictionary
  • context clues, and
  • common prefixes, suffixes, and roots.

For this activity, you will choose a text for another class and apply vocabulary strategies (chosen from your Internet research) to 10 words from your reading selection.


  1. Review the grading rubric as listed on this page.
  2. Using Internet resources, research strategies for improving vocabulary related to dictionary, context clues, and common prefixes/suffixes/roots.
  3. Choose a substantial (5 pages or more) reading from another class.
  4. Cite the reading source using either MLA or APA formatting (use WriteCite or APA citation generator to assist you if needed).
  5. Select 10 vocabulary words from the reading.
  6. Apply the vocabulary strategies to the 10 words.
  7. Create a matrix schedule (similar to the one below) in a Google Spreadsheet.
  8. Set the Google Spreadsheet share permissions to “Anyone with the link.”
  9. Submit the URL of your Google Spreadsheet to your instructor.
Image of Matrix showing columns for vocabulary word, sentence from reading, definition, context clues, pre/suffix/root, and citation of text

Example Matrix Schedule for Improving Vocabulary in Google Spreadsheet


Points: 45

Submitting: a website URL

Improving Vocabulary KEEP
Criteria Ratings Points
Sentence from Reading with Vocab Word 10 words
10 pts
9 words
9 pts
8 words
8 pts
7 words
7 pts
6 words
6 pts
5 words
5 pts
4 or < words
0 pts
10 pts
Dictionary Strategy 10 words
10 pts
9 words
9 pts
8 words
8 pts
7 words
7 pts
6 words
6 pts
5 words
5 pts
4 or < words
0 pts
10 pts
Context Clues Strategy 10 words
10 pts
9 words
9 pts
8 words
8 pts
7 words
7 pts
6 words
6 pts
5 words
5 pts
4 or < words
0 pts
10 pts
Prefix/Suffix/Root Strategy 10 words
10 pts
9 words
9 pts
8 words
8 pts
7 words
7 pts
6 words
6 pts
5 words
5 pts
4 or < words
0 pts
10 pts
APA or MLA Citation of Reading Selection Correct citation
5 pts
Incorrect or no citation
0 pts
5 pts
Apply effective reading strategies used by proficient readers before, during, and after reading text. Exceeds expectations
0 pts
Meets expectations
0 pts
Does not meet expectations
0 pts
0 pts
 TOTAL POINTS     45 pts