Animals That Start with C | List & Examples

There are many animals that start with “C.” This article contains a list of animal names that start or end with “C.”

Example: Animals that start with C in a sentence
The cat lounged on the sunny porch, while a crow cawed from a tree, and a cheerful chipmunk scurried through the garden.

Animals that start with C: List

Many animals start with “C.” Here’s a list of some of the most common ones.

  • Caiman
  • Camel
  • Capybara
  • Caracal (wild cat)
  • Cardinal (a red bird)
  • Caribou (reindeer)
  • Carp
  • Cat
  • Caterpillar
  • Catfish
  • Centipede
  • Chameleon
  • Cheetah
  • Chicken
  • Chimpanzee
  • Chinchilla
  • Chipmunk
  • Clam
  • Clownfish
  • Cobra
  • Cockatoo
  • Cockroach
  • Cod (fish)
  • Condor (bird)
  • Coral
  • Cougar
  • Cow
  • Coyote
  • Crab
  • Crane (bird)
  • Crayfish
  • Cricket
  • Crocodile
  • Crow
  • Cuckoo

You can also download this list of animals that start with “C” as a PDF.

Animals that start with “C” PDF

Some uncommon animal names with “C,” such as caribou and caracal, are difficult to spell. Use QuillBot’s Grammar Checker to check your spelling for free.

Animals that end with C

There are almost no animal names that end with “C.” One example is muntjac, which is a small deer. It’s also known as a barking deer.

Animals with other letters

If you’re looking for animals that start with another letter, you can visit one of our other articles on animal names.

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Frequently asked questions about animals that start with C

What reptiles start with C?

There are many animals that start with C. Some reptiles that start with C are:

  • Caiman
  • Cape cobra
  • Chinese alligator
  • Corn snake
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Julia Merkus, MA

Julia has a bachelor in Dutch language and culture and two masters in Linguistics and Language and speech pathology. After a few years as an editor, researcher, and teacher, she now writes articles about her specialist topics: grammar, linguistics, methodology, and statistics.