AMA In-Text Citations | Guidelines & Examples

AMA in-text citations are superscript numbers in the main text that direct readers to numbered entries on an AMA reference page.

Each AMA reference entry begins with a number and includes the author, title, and other publication details. Number these entries in the order that you initially cite each source in the main text.

Each source has only one entry, so if you cite the same scholarly source in multiple places, use the same number for all of that source’s in-text citations.

AMA in-text citation and reference entry example
AMA in-text citation AMA reference entry
Another recent study explored the common barriers to asthma treatment.5 5. Papi A, Blasi F, Canonica GW, et al. Treatment strategies for asthma: reshaping the concept of asthma management. Allergy, Asthma & Clinical Immunology. 2020;16:1-11. doi:10.1186/s13223-020-00472-8

To cite sources correctly in AMA style, follow the examples and guidelines below, or use QuillBot’s free Citation Generator.

AMA in-text citation format

In-text citations go immediately after the sentence, phrase, or clause that paraphrases, quotes, or summarizes each source. They usually go after the sentence’s period, but they can go in the middle of a sentence if only part of the sentence is summarizing, paraphrasing, or quoting an outside source.

AMA provides the following guidelines for in-text citation placement:

  • After a period, question mark, exclamation mark, or closing quotation marks when the citation applies to the whole sentence
  • After a comma when the citation only applies to details before the comma
  • Before a colon, semicolon, em dash, or closing parenthesis if the citation only applies to details before these punctuation marks
AMA in-text citations and punctuation examples
While many experts believe that CBT is more effective than somatic therapy,5,6  one recent study showed that a combination of the two approaches is a more effective than CBT alone.7 Additional research (along the lines of Singh’s mixed methods approach8) should explore the efficacy of a combined approach for PTSD as well as GAD.
If you include the author’s name in a signal phrase of the main text, you can place the superscript number after the author’s name or at the end of the sentence (depending on how much of the sentence applies to the citation).

If a source has two authors, use both of their last names in a signal phrase. For sources with three or more authors, use the first author’s last name with “et al” like this example:

  • The study by Meijer et al6 confirms our hypothesis.

In AMA writing, “et al” doesn’t have a period like it does in APA in-text citations.

Page numbers in AMA in-text citations

AMA only requires page numbers for sentences with quotations (which should be used sparingly in AMA writing). AMA doesn’t require page numbers when you’re paraphrasing or summarizing. The following formatting guidelines apply to AMA page number citations:

  • Put page numbers in superscript parentheses directly after the citation number, which goes after the closing quotation marks.
  • Avoid spaces between the superscript number and parentheses or between any of the details inside the parentheses.
  • Use “p” for a single page number or “pp” for a page range (with no period).
  • Type the number or range directly after “p” or “pp.”
  • Use a hyphen for page ranges (e.g., pp19-20).
AMA page number citation example
Haidt explained, “Doing projects increases children’s sense of competence while also increasing parents’ willingness to trust their children and grant them more autonomy.”8(p265)

AMA in-text citations for multiple works

In some cases, you may need to cite two or more sources in the same sentence. For example, in a literature review, a single sentence might refer to several different research studies.

In this situation, add a superscript citation (and a reference entry) for all of the sources that the sentence paraphrases or summarizes. Separate the superscript numbers with commas but not spaces. You can also use a hyphen to cite a range of three or more consecutive sources from the reference page.

In the following example, “several studies” refers to sources 6, 9, 10, and 11 from the essay’s reference page.

Multiple AMA citations example 
Several other longitudinal studies have confirmed the positive correlation between community and longevity.6,9-11

Continue reading: AMA In-Text Citations | Guidelines & Examples

What Are Endnotes? | Steps & Examples

Endnotes are numbered citations or notes on a separate page at the end of a piece of academic writing. Each endnote begins with a number that corresponds to a superscript number in the main text (often referred to as a callout number).

Each citation style has specific guidelines about when and how to use endnotes. For example, APA and MLA endnotes are for sharing supplemental information, but in Chicago style writing, endnotes are for citations as well as supplemental details.

Chicago style endnotes example 
Chicago endnotes sample page

With the QuillBot Citation Generator, you can instantly create accurate Chicago style endnote citations. QuillBot’s Grammar Checker can also help you ensure that APA and MLA endnotes are error free.

Continue reading: What Are Endnotes? | Steps & Examples

What Are Footnotes? | Steps & Examples

Footnotes are numbered citations or notes at the bottom of a page in a piece of academic writing. Each footnote begins with a number that corresponds to a superscript number in the main text.

The citation style you’re using determines when and how to use footnotes. For example, APA footnotes and MLA footnotes are for sharing extra information, but in Chicago style, footnotes are for citing sources.

Chicago style footnotes example 

Chicago Footnotes Example

Footnotes are similar to endnotes, and they usually serve the same purpose (e.g., they’re both options for Chicago style citations). Whereas footnotes go in the footer of each page that has the superscript callout, endnotes go on a separate page at the end of the document.
With the QuillBot Citation Generator, you can instantly create accurate Chicago citations. QuillBot’s Grammar Checker can also help you ensure that APA and MLA footnotes are error free.

Continue reading: What Are Footnotes? | Steps & Examples

APA Footnotes | Format & Examples

APA footnotes are uncommon, but writers sometimes use them for either of these reasons:

  • Provide extra content about an idea in the main text
  • Share copyright details for lengthy quotations or reproduced documents

APA footnotes are not the same as APA in-text citations, which give credit to the sources you’re quoting or paraphrasing. They’re sometimes useful in dissertations and books but rarely necessary in undergraduate essay writing.

Each APA footnote begins with a superscript number that corresponds to a superscript callout number in the main text—like this.¹ You can place each footnote in the footer of the page with the callout number or on a separate footnotes page after the APA reference page.

APA footnote example
¹ Other general practitioner screening tools for Alzheimer’s include the Mini-Mental State Examination (Folstein et al., 1975) and the General Practitioner Assessment of Cognition (Brodaty et al., 2002).

Continue reading: APA Footnotes | Format & Examples

Chicago Journal Article Citations | Format & Examples

If you’re writing an essay in Chicago style, there’s a good chance that some of your scholarly sources will be journal articles. Chicago has two citation systems—notes and bibliography and author-date (which is far less common).

In essays using the notes and bibliography system, each journal article that you quote, summarize, or paraphrase needs two forms of citation:

  • An entry on a bibliography at the end of the document
  • A numbered footnote for each sentence that has information from the article

Use the examples below to learn about Chicago format for journal articles, or try QuillBot’s free Citation Generator to create in-text citations and Works Cited entries. Additionally, QuillBot’s online Notepad can help you take notes online and keep track of relevant source information.

How to cite a journal article Chicago examples
Footnotes Bibliography
3. Guangbin Shi, “From Trap to Memphis Rap: The Incorporation and Reconfiguration of American Southern Hip-Hop Music in China,” Journal of Popular Music Studies 36, no. 4 (2024): 121,
Shi, Guangbin. “From Trap to Memphis Rap: The Incorporation and Reconfiguration of American Southern Hip-Hop Music in China.” Journal of Popular Music Studies 36, no. 4 (2024): 112–40.

Continue reading: Chicago Journal Article Citations | Format & Examples

Chicago Website Citations | Format & Examples

When you’re writing Chicago style essays for history courses and other disciplines, you may end up using scholarly sources from websites.

Chicago style offers two different citation systems—notes and bibliography (the most common and therefore the main focus of this article) and author-date.

In the notes and bibliography system, Chicago requires two types of citations for websites (and all other types of sources):

  • A numbered footnote for each sentence that quotes or paraphrases the website
  • An entry on the Bibliography page at the end of your document

The format for the footnotes and bibliography entry depends on several factors, such as the type of author. Chicago website citations don’t need page numbers unless the source has numbered pages (e.g., a PDF).

The examples and tips below cover a few variations of Chicago website citations. QuillBot’s free Citation Generator can also help you cite websites in Chicago style. Additionally, our Notepad lets you take online notes to keep track of relevant source material.

Chicago website citations examples
Full note Bibliography
3. Manohla Dargis, “‘Wicked’ Review: We’re Off To See the Witches,” New York Times, November 27, 2024,
Dargis, Manohla. “‘Wicked’ Review: We’re Off To See the Witches.” New York Times. November 27, 2024.

Continue reading: Chicago Website Citations | Format & Examples

Scholarly Sources | Examples & Explanation

A scholarly source is an article, webpage, or book written by an expert in the field of study. They use the most up-to-date research available and support their claims with evidence.

Anyone conducting research should aim to use scholarly sources in their work and should follow the best practices of scholarly writing. This involves:

  • Identifying the different types of sources
  • Locating sources for your research
  • Making judgments about the credibility and relevance of sources
  • Using the sources in your text and citing them properly
QuillBot’s Notepad can help you take online notes and keep track of relevant source information throughout the research process.

Continue reading: Scholarly Sources | Examples & Explanation

Chicago Book Citations | Format & Examples

Chicago style has two systems for citing books and other outside sources—notes and bibliography or author-date. The notes and bibliography system is far more common (especially for history topics), and it requires two forms of citation:

  • A numbered footnote each time you quote or paraphrase the book
  • An entry on the Bibliography page at the end of your document

The footnote and bibliography guidelines depend on the number of authors, the type of book, and other factors.

To create clear and accurate Chicago style citations, use the examples and guidelines below, or try QuillBot’s free Citation Generator.

Chicago book citations examples
Full note Bibliography
17. Robin Wall Kimmerer, The Serviceberry: Abundance and Reciprocity in the Natural World (Scribner, 2024), 117.
Kimmerer, Robin Wall. The Serviceberry: Abundance and Reciprocity in the Natural World. Scribner, 2024.

Continue reading: Chicago Book Citations | Format & Examples

How to Cite an Interview in APA | Format & Examples

Whether you’re using information from a published interview or an interview you conducted, APA has special citation guidelines.

  • Interviews you conducted don’t need APA reference page entries because those sources aren’t retrievable. Personal interviews need in-text citations that label the interview as a “personal communication.”
  • Published interviews in magazines, podcasts, and other sources need reference entries and in-text citations. The reference entry format is determined by the type of source (e.g., online magazine article). APA in-text citations for published interviews should include the author and year of the source rather than the interviewee’s name.

Regardless of where the interview data came from, it’s helpful to use the interviewee’s name in the narrative of the sentence for context.

APA interview in-text citation examples
Personal interview in-text citations Published interview in-text citations
Licensed professional counselor Elena Jones (personal communication, July 1, 2023) described the impact of diet and exercise on mental health. Educator and reading expert Patricia Alexander described the impact of digital media on persistence and time on task (International Reading Association, 2020).

The examples below will help you format APA interview citations for a few types of interviews. You can also try QuillBot’s free APA Citation Generator. Additionally, our Online Notepad can help you effectively take notes during interviews.

Continue reading: How to Cite an Interview in APA | Format & Examples

APA Movie Citations | Format & Examples

Movies and documentaries often provide valuable insights about topics that are common in APA writing. For example, they might include scientific evidence, qualitative research, or examples of social issues and psychological phenomena.

APA documents that use ideas from movies need APA movie citations. The APA citation guidelines for movies are slightly different from APA journal article citations or APA book citations.

  • APA in-text citations for movies include the director’s last name and the year of release. Quotation citations also have a timestamp.
  • APA reference page entries include the director, year, title, and production company.
APA movie citations examples
In-text citations Reference list entry
Inside Out 2 explores how emotions affect the development of an adolescent’s Sense of Self (Mann, 2024).
Mann, K. (Director). (2024). Inside out 2 [Film]. Pixar Animation Studios.

The examples below and QuillBot’s free APA Citation Generator can help you write clear and accurate APA movie citations. Our Notepad can also help you to effectively take notes online and keep track of relevant source information.

Continue reading: APA Movie Citations | Format & Examples