What is the difference between a conceptual framework, a theoretical framework, and a literature review?

The literature review, conceptual framework, and theoretical framework are all important steps in defining a research project.

A literature review is conducted early in the research process. Its purpose is to describe the current state of a research area, identify gaps, and emphasize the relevance of your own research question or study.

A theoretical framework is the lens through which a research question is viewed and answered. Different fields have their own assumptions, methods, and interpretations related to the same phenomenon that influence the choice of a theoretical framework.

Consider a neuroscientist and a social psychologist studying the construct “love.” They will each take a different approach, applying specialized methods and interpretations. In other words, they each use a unique theoretical framework that is guided by the existing theories of their field.

A conceptual framework describes the variables relevant to a study and how they relate to one another. This may include dependent and independent variables as well as any confounding variables that could influence results.