What Is Simple Present Tense? | Examples, Use & Exercises

We use the simple present tense for verbs when we want to describe regularly occurring actions, states that don’t change, general truths, and scheduled events.

Usually, the simple present tense is the same as the verb’s base (aka infinitive) form (e.g., “call”). For sentences using the third person singular (e.g., “he,” “she,” and “it”), add “-s” to the end of the verb (e.g., “I run,” “she runs”).


Simple present tense forms
I dance I don’t dance Do I dance?
You dance (singular) You don’t dance (singular) Do you dance? (singular)
He/she/it dances He/she/it doesn’t dance Does he/she/it dance?
We dance We don’t dance Do we dance?
You dance (plural) You don’t dance (plural) Do you dance? (plural)
They dance They don’t dance Do they dance?

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What Is a Modal Verb? | Definition & Examples

Modal verbs (aka modal auxiliary verbs) are used alongside the main verb to provide additional context regarding possibility, intention, permission, or obligation.

For example, “will” is a modal verb that indicates a person’s intention to do something or that something is certain or expected to happen. It’s used to form the future tenses (e.g., “we will be there soon”).

Examples: Modal verbs in a sentence
I can read Korean.

You must look both ways when crossing the road.

Amir might bring some snacks.

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What Is a Predicate Adjective? | Examples & Definition

Complete sentences usually have a subject and a predicate. The predicate contains the verb and tells us what the subject is doing or what it is.

A predicate adjective describes the subject within the predicate and is used with linking verbs. Linking verbs, such as “be,” indicate conditions or states of being rather than actions.

Predicate adjective examples
The singer’s smile was captivating.

Lucia seems very efficient and reliable.

Spicy food is delicious.

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What Is an Infinitive Phrase? | Definition & Examples

An infinitive phrase is formed when an infinitive is followed by modifiers (e.g., adverbs) or complements (e.g., direct objects). Infinitive phrases can be used in the same ways as infinitives: as nouns, adverbs, and adjectives.

Infinitive phrase examples
I told her to look discreetly.

I asked him to lend me a pencil.

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What Is an Infinitive? | Definition, Examples & Uses

In English, an infinitive is a verb form that is the same as the base or dictionary form. It’s often preceded by “to” (e.g., “to study,” “to run”).

Infinitives have many uses, including acting as an object or a subject instead of the main verb.

Infinitive examples
To err is human.

We need to talk.

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What Is a Conjunctive Adverb? | Examples & List

Conjunctive adverbs (e.g., “however,” “therefore”) are adverbs that act in a similar way to conjunctions, linking the ideas in two sentences or statements together. Rather than modifying a single word, they modify the whole clause to express contrast, cause and effect, comparison, and other connections between two sentences or phrases.

Conjunctive adverb examples
Participants completed a questionnaire. Subsequently, they took a personality test.

It was too late to go to the party. Besides, he didn’t have anything to wear.

Franz went on a diet. As a result, he built some muscle.

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Prepositional Phrase | Examples, Definition & Uses

A prepositional phrase consists of a preposition (e.g., “in,” “with,” “of”), an object, and any modifiers. It usually provides more information about a thing or an action. For example, prepositional phrases can tell us when, how, or where something is done, or they can clarify which person or thing is being talked about.

Prepositional phrase examples
I’ll go shopping in the morning.

I saw a mouse and jumped on the table.

The dress with the gold stars is my favorite.

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Split Infinitives | Examples & Definition

In English, an infinitive is a verb form that is the same as the base or dictionary form. A full infinitive (aka to-infinitive) is preceded by “to” (e.g., “to study,” “to run”), while a bare infinitive is not (e.g., “study,” “run”).

A split infinitive occurs when another word separates “to” from the verb in a full infinitive.

Split infinitive examples
I told him to carefully review the material.

Birth rates are expected to gradually decline.

The cat seems to really want some roast chicken.

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What Is a Verb Phrase? | Examples & Definition

There isn’t one absolute definition of a verb phrase. A common definition is that a verb phrase can consist of just the main verb or the main verb plus any modal verbs or auxiliary verbs.

Verb phrase examples
Kanoko climbed Mount Everest.

Kanoko had been climbing Mount Everest for hours.

Kanoko will climb Mount Everest.

In this article, we define verb phrases as consisting of the main verb of a sentence, along with any modal and auxiliary verbs. However, definitions of verb phrases are not always consistent. Some sources also include objects, prepositional phrases, or adverbs as part of the verb phrase.

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What Is a Dangling Participle? | Examples & Definition

A dangling participle occurs when an introductory participial phrase is followed by a different noun than the one it describes. The correct noun could be misplaced or missing from the sentence.

Dangling participle examples
Swimming in the tank, the cat watched the tropical fish. [implies the cat is swimming in the tank]
Hanging out the laundry, the bedsheet fell in a muddy puddle. [implies the bedsheet is hanging out the laundry]

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