Do you spell out numbers under 10?

In most cases, spell out numbers under 10, which include cardinal numbers (e.g., “four books” and “nine teachers”) and ordinal numbers (e.g., fifth grade). However, there are exceptions and variations, depending on the style guidelines you’re using.

For example, APA, MLA, and Chicago guidelines require numerals for numbers under 10 when they’re part of dates, times, and measurements (e.g., “The veterinarian fed the kittens a high calorie diet until they weighed 2 pounds”).

You can also use numerals for one through nine when they go after nouns and are part of a series (e.g., “Chapter 7 takes place in a cave”).

Always check with your style book, instructor, or workplace guidelines when you’re unsure about how to spell out cardinal numbers or ordinal numbers.

QuillBot’s free Grammar Checker can also help you use numbers correctly in your writing.