Is it and me or and I?

Use “and mewhen you need a first-person object pronoun that functions as part of a compound indirect object, direct object, or object of a preposition.

Use “and I when you need a first-person subject pronoun that functions as part of a compound subject or a compound predicate nominative.

And me or and I examples
Part of speech Example
Indirect object My favorite barista always gives my friends and me a special discount.
Direct object The manager asked Phyllis, Angela, and me to plan the office Halloween party.
Object of a preposition The wedding invitation was addressed to my boyfriend and me.
Compound subject Sean and I ate all the hot sauce and chicken wings.
Predicate nominative The only vegetarians at the Super Bowl party were Serena and I.

If you need help choosing I or me, a QuillBot’s Grammar Check can help you avoid mistakes with subject pronouns and object pronouns.