Is you a first-person pronoun?

You is not a first-person pronoun but rather a second-person pronoun.

First-person pronouns include “I,” “we,” “me,” “us,” “mine,” “ours,” “myself,” and “ourselves.”

Second-person pronouns include “you,” “your,” “yours,” “yourself,” and “yourselves.” As a second-person pronoun, “you” can be a singular or plural subject pronoun or object pronoun.

As a subject pronoun, “you” is a subject that performs the verb or a predicate nominative that describes or renames the subject.

As an object pronoun, “you” is a direct object, an indirect object, or the object of a preposition.

You in sentences examples 
Part of speech Example
Subject You are the best neighbors.
Predicate nominative  My favorite dancing partner is you.
Direct object I am once again asking you to support my campaign.
Indirect object Hi, Brandon and Andrea! I’m making you a lasagna this week to return your kind favor.
Object of a preposition The mail that came yesterday was addressed to you, so I didn’t open it.

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