What is the difference between an idiom and an adage?
Idioms and adages are fixed expressions that are commonly recognized and used within a language, however the two should not be confused.
An idiom is an established phrase with a meaning different from that of its individual words. For instance, “give it a shot” means to try rather than literally to shoot something, and “slipped my mind” means to forget. Idioms are a form of figurative language often used to add color to communication.
Adages, on the other hand, are well-known sayings that have been used for a long time. They typically offer practical advice about ways to behave and live. Although they are usually literal, adages can also be metaphorical with a meaning that is easy to understand. For example, the phrase “Don’t put all your eggs in one basket” metaphorically advises against relying on a single plan or option.
In short, idioms are nonliteral expressions used in a variety of contexts, while adages are traditional sayings that convey practical wisdom.