AI Copywriting in 2024: How It Can Help Businesses and Copywriters

An AI writer helps to generate copy. Simple enough, right?

AI copywriting tools can generate short- and long-form copy, making them a great option for almost every kind of copywriter or anyone in content marketing. Whether you’re writing blog posts, social media posts and captions, taglines, or product descriptions, the AI copywriter is able to get it written.

And they say miracles don’t exist.

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QuillBot’s Translator Has Arrived

We are so excited to announce the newest tool in our suite of QuillBot products: the Translator!

QuillBot’s Translator supports 45+ different languages, providing writers with a way to utilize text from their non-native language(s). Now a writer’s research and writing will not be confined to one language; rather, the knowledge and information that exists across languages will be available at the click of a button.

What makes QuillBot’s Translator so special?

Let’s talk features. Our Translator boasts the following:

  • 30 languages
  • AI-powered translation technology
  • Ad-free experience
  • Mobile-friendly interface
  • 5000-character allowance per translation
  • Integration with the rest of the QuillBot writing suite

We’re so excited to add to our members’ well-rounded writing experience, and we keep enhancing this process with each new tool added to our website. Let’s continue to write without limits.

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What Is Academic Writing? Definition, Types, and Features

Academic writing is a writing style used by and for people in academic settings.

This type of writing targets readers who attend or work in schools, colleges, universities, and research institutions, such as students, professors, and researchers.

Academic writing is one of the first skills that a student learns after starting school. From elementary through postgraduate school and in academic careers, writing is the major mode of communication. Its goal is to present ideas clearly so that others can learn from and build on them.

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Top 11 English Grammar Resources Online

Learning English grammar can be overwhelming, which is why we’ve compiled the Top 9 English grammar resources that you can find online.

We get it━grammar can be tricky. Maybe your teacher is boring, or English has never been your strong suit. Luckily for you, it’s ours, and we’re sharing the best online grammar resources we’ve found to-date. Take things at your own pace. There are no tests at the end (promise!).

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Summarizing, Paraphrasing, and Quoting: Similar Yet Different

Summarizing is condensing information; paraphrasing is rewording information; and quoting is copying information inside quotation marks.

Most of the time, when you’re referring back to a previous conversation, text, or piece of media, you’re not recalling each part exactly as it happened—that would require a memory better than any of us probably have!

Instead, you’re going to be either paraphrasing what you heard or read, summarizing the information learned, or directly quoting pieces of what you remember.

Summarizing, paraphrasing, and quoting are all closely related actions, which can make them difficult to tell apart in certain circumstances.

Whether you’re summarizing, paraphrasing, or quoting, QuillBot’s online Notepad can help you keep track of the sources you consult during the research and writing process.

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How to Write a Literature Review in 6 Steps

The usual purpose of a literature review is to show a gap in existing research or to show a field’s overall view of a topic.

A “literature review” is a summary of what previous studies have demonstrated or argued about a topic. It may stand on its own as the focus of a paper, with just an introduction and conclusion summarizing the relevant literature, or it may be part of a more extensive research paper, such as a journal article, research proposal, thesis, or dissertation. Here are a couple of literature review examples:

Standalone literature review: What Is Corruption?: A History of Corruption Studies and the Great Definitions Debate

Literature review as part of a longer paper: Seagrass Mapping and Monitoring Along the Coasts of Crete, Greece

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The Pros and Cons of ChatGPT for Students

ChatGPT is everywhere right now, making controversial headlines across the world. Students in particular can get a lot of good out of the AI tech (such as saving time and energy), but there are also pitfalls to beware (plagiarism, dependence, and reduced creativity━oh my!).

Let’s take a look at the pros and cons of using ChatGPT as a student so you can use it the right way.

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