QuillBot’s Translator Has Arrived

We are so excited to announce the newest tool in our suite of QuillBot products: the Translator!

QuillBot’s Translator supports 45+ different languages, providing writers with a way to utilize text from their non-native language(s). Now a writer’s research and writing will not be confined to one language; rather, the knowledge and information that exists across languages will be available at the click of a button.

What makes QuillBot’s Translator so special?

Let’s talk features. Our Translator boasts the following:

  • 30 languages
  • AI-powered translation technology
  • Ad-free experience
  • Mobile-friendly interface
  • 5000-character allowance per translation
  • Integration with the rest of the QuillBot writing suite

We’re so excited to add to our members’ well-rounded writing experience, and we keep enhancing this process with each new tool added to our website. Let’s continue to write without limits.

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Paige Pfeifer, BA

Paige teaches QuillBot writers about grammar rules and writing conventions. She has a BA in English, which she received by reading and writing a lot of fiction. That is all she knows how to do.