Published on
July 2, 2024
Paige Pfeifer, BA.
Revised on
September 11, 2024.
The use of artificial intelligence in education has sparked polarizing opinions and an ongoing debate between those who champion the use of this technology and those who are afraid of it being misused.
However, there are a lot of benefits of AI in education. When applied properly, artificial intelligence does not replace critical thinking; it’s a powerful tool that can enhance ideas and push students to think deeper and apply their knowledge to real-wolrld scenarios.
AI systems are being used to close the gap between different levels of learners. There are tools to help students write (hi, that’s us!), do math, work on reading comprehension, and learn languages.
Everyone deserves personalized education, and AI is helping us get there.
Published on
June 27, 2024
Paige Pfeifer, BA.
Revised on
August 13, 2024.
A lab report is a detailed explanation of experimental research done in a laboratory. Students, researchers, and other scientists often create lab reports to share their findings in fields such as chemistry, biology, and engineering.
Do you need to write a lab report? Keep reading to learn about the parts it should include and how to make sure it gives a complete account of your research.
Published on
June 27, 2024
Paige Pfeifer, BA.
Revised on
August 28, 2024.
A participial phrase is a group of words containing a participle. It serves as an adjective to modify a noun.
When you add words around the participle to form a phrase, you’ve got a participial phrase. Participial phrases can be formed using both past participles (e.g., “forgotten”) and present participles (e.g., “wondering”).
When a participial phrase comes at the beginning of a sentence, it is called an introductory participial phrase because it introduces the main clause.
Published on
June 27, 2024
Paige Pfeifer, BA.
Revised on
September 12, 2024.
A class act is a person who acts with class and elegance or someone who holds prestige. “Class act” is a noun representing a person held in high regard and is mostly used in informal contexts. The term entered the lexicon in the 1970s.
In the 17th century, the word “class” was first used to refer to status and wealth levels. Since then, it has been used to represent those with good moral character (e.g., “The founder of the charity was a high-class individual).
Published on
June 26, 2024
Paige Pfeifer, BA.
Revised on
September 4, 2024.
AFK is an abbreviation for “away from keys” or “away from keyboard.”
Sometimes you need a quick and easy way to let someone know you have to go. When you type “AFK” or “afk,” it lets the person or people you’re talking to know that you’re away from your phone or computer for some length of time and probably won’t answer right away.
Published on
June 26, 2024
Paige Pfeifer, BA.
Revised on
August 23, 2024.
When it comes to writing a cover letter for your dream job, know that this is your moment to shine!
Your cover letter is where you knit together elements like your personality, qualifications, work experience, and accomplishments to demonstrate a few key points:
That you’re a great fit for them
That they’re a great fit for you
That you’ll be able to add value and contribute to company goals from Day 1
Where your résumé is very direct and dry, the cover letter is where you add your personal flair, painting yourself as their absolute wish-list candidate, like in this cover letter example here:
If you’re looking to upskill your cover letter game, or even reorient your relationship to writing them, check out our previous post on The 9 Essential Elements of a Cover Letter + Templates, Examples, and Tips, where we go in-depth on what goes where (+ why) within a cover letter. Each of the formatting and content elements are discussed in detail, too.
If you’ve already short-listed a few of your dream job opportunities but haven’t reviewed the ins and outs of what makes for a good cover letter in a while, consider opening that post in a new tab to reference as you start your next one.
Let’s find out exactly how to write a cover letter.
Published on
June 26, 2024
Paige Pfeifer, BA.
Revised on
August 19, 2024.
Cue the dreadful piano music: we’re talking essay writing. That means how-tos, types, and structure…the horror of it all is almost too much to bear.
Except it’s not, because we’re going to explain everything about writing an essay in painstaking detail. You’ll never freak over having to write an essay again, what with all the instructions and tips we’re about to set you up with.
Published on
June 26, 2024
Paige Pfeifer, BA.
Revised on
September 11, 2024.
Here’s the short answer: ChatGPT is an artificial intelligence-powered chatbot that simulates human conversation, answers questions, and generates text. QuillBot can help you polish the information from ChatGPT.
We’ll get into the long(er), more detailed answer below.