AFK | Meaning, Use & Examples

AFK is an abbreviation for “away from keys” or “away from keyboard.”

Sometimes you need a quick and easy way to let someone know you have to go. When you type “AFK,” it lets whomever you’re talking to know that you’re away from your phone or computer for some length of time and probably won’t answer right away.

AFK in a sentence examples
AFK, gonna check out this beautiful sunset

I’ll be afk until later today.

I’m going AFK, I have a meeting with my advisor.

What is the origin of AFK?

AFK came into use during the late 1980s and early 1990s as instant messaging grew in popularity. It later became popular among gamers, particularly in massive multiplayer online games (or “MMOs”).

AFK meaning

AFK is a fast way to tell someone not to expect a reply from you straight away.  It’s used as an adjective phrase describing a person (e.g., “I’m AFK” or “Dave’s AFK”).

When you text someone AFK, you’re telling them you’re  “away from keyboard” in the sense that you’re not attentive to incoming messages, regardless of if your keyboard is still near you.

Now that we have many different instant messaging and social media apps, the concept of AFK is more understood in our society. But a few decades ago, it was a polite way to let someone know you had to step away from your keyboard.

AFK in sentences examples 
I’m helping Joey with his homework, AFK.

I’ll be afk soon, my battery’s gonna die.

Going to be AFK for a bit, heading into doctor’s appointment

What does AFK mean in gaming?

For online gamers, AFK is an easy way to let their teammates know when they have to step back from the game for a moment. Many MMOs rely on close cooperation between teammates, which reinforces the need for clear communication.

Whether the gamer is having an offline conversation, facing connectivity issues, or needs to go do the dishes, AFK is a simple way to communicate and ensure their gaming team isn’t left hanging.

The abbreviation’s frequent use in the gaming community has led to a second meaning where AFK works as a noun: a person who is away from their keyboard a lot might also be called “an AFK.”

AFK in gaming examples
Player 1: Play soon? Maybe 3 PM?

Player 2: Can’t, AFK today. Next time.

vacation tmrw, will be afk

He’s such an AFK.

What does AFK mean in text?

When using AFK in text messages, it can be used in a variety of situations. For example:

  • You have to run an errand and let your coworkers know via Slack that you’ll be AFK for twenty minutes.
  • You’re in an online meeting and let the participants know you’ll be AFK to answer an important call.
  • Your family arrives unexpectedly and you let friends you were exchanging memes with on Instagram know you’ll be AFK for a while.
  • You’re chatting on WhatsApp and let a friend know you’re going to be AFK because you have to cook dinner.

Whatever the case may be, AFK is used as a courtesy toward whoever you’re talking to. In face-to-face communications you probably wouldn’t just walk away from someone you’ve been speaking to without saying why. AFK is a way to avoid this same situation in digital contexts.

AFK in text examples
Repairman just got here – AFK while I show him the problem

afk, going to soccer practice

Taking lunch now, AFK!

When not to use AFK

Not every conversation held online is casual. More people than ever are working from home, conducting interviews over the internet, and having important conversations through email.

Abbreviations are better left for casual conversation. More formal conversations require correct capitalization, punctuation, grammar, and fully typed phrases and sentences.

These are a few examples of when you’ll make a much better impression by not using AFK:

  • When talking to your teacher or professor
  • When speaking to upper management or coworkers you’re not so close with
  • When setting an away message for your email
  • When talking to an older person who may not understand the acronym
  • When communicating with a customer service rep via chat platforms

Some settings have made using AFK unnecessary. One example is Zoom, which lets you indicate you’re gone by setting your status to “Away.” Slack also lets you set status updates to let coworkers know you’ve stepped away from your computer.

If you do need to communicate that you’ll be away in more formal contexts, you can say “I’ll be right back” or “I need to step away for a few minutes.” QuillBot’s Paraphraser can also help you find a way to express this with your desired tone.

Frequently asked questions about AFK

What are some gaming acronyms?

Some common gaming acronyms are:

  • AFK (“away from keyboard”)
  • IDK (“I don’t know”)
  • LMAO (“laughing my ass off”)
  • OMW (“on my way”)
  • LFP (“looking for party”)
  • MMO (“massive multiplayer online,” a type of game)
  • DLC (“downloadable content”)
  • HP (“hit points,” an indicator of a character’s life)
  • NPC (“non-playable character,” an in-game character controlled by the computer)

Although we may commonly think of these as acronyms, they’re really abbreviations. Acronyms are abbreviations formed from the initials of various words but pronounced as a new word (e.g., “NASA” for “National Aeronautics and Space Administration.”

QuillBot’s free Paraphraser can help you express these same concepts in other tones.

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Paige Pfeifer, BA

Paige teaches QuillBot writers about grammar rules and writing conventions. She has a BA in English, which she received by reading and writing a lot of fiction. That is all she knows how to do.