Genuflect | Definition, Meaning & Examples

Genuflect is a verb meaning “to bend your knee” (e.g., as an act of worship inside a Christian church).

It is also used figuratively to mean “pleasing someone in a way that shows a lack of respect for yourself.”

Examples of genuflect in a sentence
Her mother frowned at her because she forgot to genuflect before taking her seat in church.

You’re going to have to genuflect before him if you want him to agree.

She is a genius who refuses to genuflect at the altar of convention.

Genuflect is split into three syllables with the stress on the first syllable: [jen-yoo-flekt]. The first two syllables are pronounced in the same way as in the word “genuine.”


Genuflection is a noun meaning the act of genuflecting (i.e., bending your knee as a sign of respect or worship).

It can also be used figuratively to describe an act of respect.

It is sometimes spelled “genuflexion,” especially in British English, but it is best to use the standard spelling genuflection in your formal and academic writing.

Examples of genuflection in a sentence
It is now customary to perform a bow rather than a genuflection.

This painting is clearly an affectionate genuflection to the work of her mentor.

Frequently asked questions about genuflect

What does genuflexion mean?

“Genuflexion” is an alternative spelling of the noun genuflection, especially in British English.

It is best to use the standard spelling genuflection in your formal and academic writing.

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Tom Challenger, BA

Tom holds a teaching diploma and is an experienced English language teacher, teacher trainer, and translator. He has taught university courses and worked as a teacher trainer on Cambridge CELTA courses.