Copacetic | Meaning, Definition & Examples

Copacetic is a slightly old-fashioned informal adjective meaning “very satisfactory,” “just fine,” and “alright.”

It is found more often in American English than British English. It is usually considered too informal for academic writing.

Example: Copacetic in a sentence
The interview went well, and the interviewer seemed to think my answers were copacetic.

Despite the minor hiccup, the event went smoothly overall, so it was still copacetic.

I wasn’t sure about the plan at first, but after hearing the details, it all seemed copacetic.

Everything is copacetic

One common use of copacetic is in the phrase everything is copacetic where it means “everything is fine,” “everything’s good,” or “it’s all in order.” It’s used to reassure that where there might have been a problem, everything is fine.

Example: Everything is copacetic in a sentence
I know you’re worried about the catering for the wedding reception but relax; everything is copacetic.

Copacetic synonyms

Copacetic is a very flexible word and has many possible synonyms.

Synonyms Examples
In order We checked the delivery and everything was in order.
Fine The mechanic checked the engine and assured me everything was fine.
Satisfactory We finally reached an agreement on the price, so everything’s satisfactory now.
Acceptable After weeks of negotiations, the two companies finally reached an acceptable agreement on the merger.
Alright He was shaken up at first, but he’s alright now.

Copesthetic vs copacetic

Although dictionaries list copacetic as the standard spelling, they also tend to accept copesthetic and copesetic as valid variants.

Example: Different spellings of copacetic
Jenny had been anxious about the performance, but everything was copacetic.

Sanjay looked through the detailed plans for the conference and saw that everything was copesthetic.

Eddie reassured his parents that everything would be copesetic with the house while they were away.

Frequently asked questions about copacetic

What is a synonym for copacetic?

Copacetic is an adjective that is quite versatile in its meaning. It can mean “satisfactory” (e.g., “The arrangements for the party were copacetic”), or “good” (e.g., “school was out, the sun was shining, and everything was copacetic”).

Other synonyms include “okay,” “in order,” “fine,” and “all right.”

Our automatic AI Rewriter can help you find synonyms for words like “copacetic.”

Is it copacetic, copesthetic, or copesetic?

The standard spelling in dictionaries is copacetic although copesthetic and copesetic are also usually accepted as valid variants.

As copacetic is an informal word, there tends to be more flexibility about spelling, as you would typically not use it in academic writing. Try our Paraphraser to explore alternative ways to express your desired meaning.

How do I pronounce copacetic?

There are four syllables in copacetic and the emphasis falls on the third: [koh-pah-set-ik].

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Trevor Marshall, MSc

Trevor has a BA in English Literature & Language and an MSc in Applied Social Studies. He has been a teacher for 25 years, with 15 years experience teaching ESL alongside 1st language students.