OK vs Okay | Difference & Spelling
OK and okay are alternative spellings of the same word and are both correct.
Whichever spelling you decide to use, the most important thing is to be consistent throughout your text. If you’re supposed to be following a particular style guide, make sure to check if it specifies using either “OK” or “okay.”
Is it OK/okay if I bring a friend along?
Person A: Shall we meet outside the theater at six thirty?
Person B: OK/okay, see you there.
Table of contents
Okay or ok
Okay and OK are both acceptable spellings of the same word. Another, less common, spelling variant is “ok” (lowercase). You may also see it written as “O.K.” or “o.k.” in historical texts, but these spellings have become nonstandard in modern English.
Experts think that the word OK/okay probably originated in the first half of the 19th century, when people started altering the phrase “all correct” to “oll korrect” and “orl korrect” for humorous effect, leading to the initialism O.K. So, while “OK” doesn’t really stand for anything nowadays, it probably originally stood for “all correct.”
OK/okay has a variety of meanings and is mainly used in speech rather than formal writing (e.g., academic writing).
OK/okay in a sentence | Meaning | Part of speech |
Person A: Shall we start?
Person B: OK/okay. |
“I agree/yes” | Interjection |
Was the weather OK/okay? | Good or acceptable | Adjective |
She came third in the race, so she did OK/okay. | Well or acceptably well | Adverb |
OK/okay, let’s start. | Signaling you are going to start speaking | Interjection |
We need to get his OK/okay first. | Approval | Noun |
Has he OK’d/okayed it yet? | Approve | Verb |
Frequently asked questions about OK vs okay
- What is a synonym for okay?
Synonyms for okay include “fine,” “acceptable/acceptably,” and “all right” when it is used as an adjective or adverb.
When used as a different part of speech, synonyms for okay include “yes,” “sure,” and “right” (interjection); “approval,” “consent,” and “authorization” (noun); and “approve,” “authorize,” and “sanction” (verb).
OK or okay are both acceptable ways of spelling this word.
You can use QuillBot’s free Paraphraser to help you find the best synonym for “okay” in your specific context.
- Should I use ok or okay in writing?
You can spell this word OK or okay; they are both correct spellings. The important thing is to use the same spelling consistently throughout your text. If you are using a style guide, check to see if it specifies a particular spelling.
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- Is okay a word?
Yes, okay is a word; it is an alternative spelling of the word “OK.”
You can choose to spell it OK or okay, but make sure you’re consistent throughout your text.
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- What is ok short for?
Ok (more commonly OK or okay) is a word in its own right. It is not short for “okay,” which is simply a different spelling of the same word.
Experts believe that the roots of this word lie in the 19th century initialism “O.K.,” which was short for “oll korrect”—a humorous alteration of the phrase “all correct.”
- Is ok a word?
Yes, ok is an alternative spelling of the word “OK/okay.” But it is probably best to spell it OK or okay, as these are the most common variants.
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