Synonyms for Good | Uses & Example Sentences
Good is an adjective that in general means “having positive qualities,” “pleasant, satisfactory, or valid,” “skilled,” “physically well,” or “morally virtuous.”
Some common synonyms for good are:
- Fine
- Satisfactory
- Nice
- Competent
- Capable
- Skilled
- Healthy
- Robust
- Strong
- Kind
- Pure
- Upstanding
Good synonyms
The table below lists some synonyms for good meaning “pleasant, satisfactory, or valid.”
Synonym | Good example | Synonym example |
Nice | We had a good time last night. | We had a nice time last night. |
Pleasant | We had a good day at the park. | We had a pleasant day at the park. |
Satisfactory | My experience was good. | My experience was satisfactory. |
Fine | This is a good example of hard work paying off. | This is a fine example of hard work paying off. |
Agreeable | There’s a good atmosphere in our class. | There’s an agreeable atmosphere in our class. |
Of high quality | That restaurant is good. | That restaurant is of high quality. |
Copacetic | He said everything is good. | He said everything is copacetic. |
Alright | The tea today was good, but I’ve had better. | The tea today was alright, but I’ve had better. |
Valid | This ticket is good for one ride. | This ticket is valid for one ride. |
The table below lists some synonyms for good meaning “skilled.”
Synonym | Good example | Synonym example |
Competent | He’s a good worker. | He’s a competent worker. |
Talented | My grandmother is good at crosswords. | My grandmother is talented at crosswords. |
Adept | The comedian is good at impressions. | The comedian is adept at impressions. |
Gifted | The child is good at piano. | The child is gifted at piano. |
Proficient | I’m good at Spanish. | I’m proficient in Spanish. |
- I’m good at English.
- I’m proficient in English.
- I’m proficient at English.
The QuillBot Paraphraser can help you rewrite your sentences to use synonyms and prepositions correctly.
Some synonyms for good meaning “physically well” are listed in the table below.
Synonym | Good example | Synonym example |
Healthy | We try to eat a good diet. | We try to eat a healthy diet. |
Well | I had the flu last week, but today I feel good. | I had the flu last week, but today I feel well. |
Robust | The doctor said he has a good immune system. | The doctor said he has a robust immune system. |
Sound | The tests showed I’m in good health following my surgery. | The tests showed I’m in sound health following my surgery. |
Some synonyms for good meaning “morally virtuous” are listed in the table below.
Synonym | Good example | Synonym example |
Kind | He’s a good friend. | He’s a kind friend. |
Pure | Her intentions were good, but she still hurt me. | Her intentions were pure, but she still hurt me. |
Respectable | The teacher tries to be a good example for her students. | The teacher tries to be a respectable example for her students. |
Well-behaved | They are very good children. | They are very well-behaved children. |
Upstanding | We try to be good citizens. | We try to be upstanding citizens. |
Good antonyms
A common antonym of good is “bad.” Just like good, “bad” has different meanings, which is why it appears in the table as an antonym for each meaning of good.
Meaning of good | Antonym | Example |
Pleasant, satisfactory, or valid | Bad | That restaurant is bad. |
Pleasant, satisfactory, or valid | Unacceptable | Your behavior is unacceptable. |
Pleasant, satisfactory, or valid | Unsatisfactory | My son got unsatisfactory grades this term. |
Skilled | Bad | I’m bad at math. |
Skilled | Incompetent | Unfortunately, I work beneath an incompetent manager. |
Skilled | Ineffective | He is an ineffective worker. |
Physically well | Bad | I feel bad today, both physically and mentally. |
Physically well | Poor | She’s in poor health these days. |
Physically well | Sick | Many people are sick right now. |
Morally virtuous | Bad | Stealing is a bad thing to do. |
Morally virtuous | Mean | Stop being so mean to everyone! |
Morally virtuous | Callous | His behavior yesterday was so cruel and callous. |
Frequently asked questions about synonyms for good
- What’s a synonym for very good?
Synonyms for “very good” include:
- Excellent
- Exceptional
- First class
- Outstanding
- Marvelous
- Wonderful
- Superb
- Fabulous
Another way to find synonyms of “very good” is to choose a synonym of good that best matches your intended meaning, and then add an adverb of degree (e.g., “very”) in front of it.
For example, another synonym of “very good” where “good” means “morally virtuous” (e.g., “He’s a very good citizen”) could be “very upstanding” (e.g., “He’s a very upstanding citizen”).
You can use the QuillBot Paraphraser to quickly and correctly use synonyms like these.
- What’s a synonym for not good?
Synonyms for “not good” include:
- Bad
- Poor
- Deficient
- Disappointing
- Regrettable
- Unacceptable
- Unsuitable
Another way to find synonyms of “very good” is to find a synonym of good that best matches your intended meaning, and then add “not” in front of it.
For example, instead of “not good” (e.g., “This restaurant is not good”), you could use “not of high quality” (e.g., “This restaurant is not of high quality”).
Use the QuillBot Paraphraser to find more synonyms for “not good.”
- What’s a synonym for sounds good?
“Sounds good” is a colloquial way to say you approve of a plan or suggestion.
Some synonyms for “sounds good” are:
- Let’s do that
- Sounds like a plan
- I’m on board
- I’m in
- That works
- Works for me
- Count me in
“Sounds good” could also mean that something “makes a pleasant noise” (e.g., “The singer sounds good today”).
The adjective good is widely used in English and therefore has various meanings. Understanding these meanings and knowing some synonyms of good can help you communicate more clearly.
The QuillBot Paraphraser can also help you find even more synonyms for phrases like “sounds good.”
- What’s a synonym for good job?
“Good job” is used to express that you think someone is doing something well. It’s used in diverse contexts.
Some synonyms for “good job” are:
- Nice job
- Great work
- Well done
- Good going
- Nice going
- Kudos
- Way to go
- You’re on the right track
- You’re learning fast
“Good” means “pleasant, satisfactory, or valid” in this expression. But the adjective good has other meanings, too.
Using the QuillBot Paraphraser to find synonyms of good can help you better express your intended meaning.
- What’s a synonym for good luck?
“Good luck” is used to express that you wish someone success. Some synonyms for “good luck” are:
- Break a leg
- Best of luck
- You’ve got this
- Fingers crossed
- I hope you do well
- I hope it goes well
- Show them what you’re made of
The adjective “good” is used in “good luck” to show that you want the person’s fortune to be positive. “Good” in general means “having positive qualities,” but it also has many more nuanced meanings.
QuillBot’s Paraphraser can help you find synonyms for “good luck” and synonyms for good to better express yourself.