Change Synonyms | Uses & Example Sentences

Change is a verb that means “to make or become different” or “to replace one thing with another.” Change is also a noun that means “alteration,” “replacement,” or “fluctuation.”

Some synonyms for change are:

  • Alter
  • Modify
  • Transform
  • Convert
  • Replace
  • Substitute
  • Alteration
  • Modification
  • Difference
  • Variation
  • Transformation
  • Substitution
  • Replacement
  • Fluctuation
  • Metamorphosis

Synonyms for change

Before choosing a synonym for change, decide if you need a verb or a noun.

Change (verb) synonyms

When change means “to make or become different,” some synonyms are stronger matches than others. “Alter” or “modify,” for example, are good general replacements for change.

On the other hand, weak synonyms have more nuanced meanings than change. For example, “mutate” means “change in form or nature” and is often used to refer to living things.

Synonyms for change meaning “to make or become different”
Match Synonym Change example Synonym example
Strongest Alter Let’s change the experiment parameters and see if it affects the outcome. Let’s alter the experiment parameters and see if it affects the outcome.
Modify We had to change our travel plans after our flight was canceled. We had to modify our travel plans after our flight was canceled.
Transform The company wants to change its image, as customers have been saying it’s stuck in the past. The company wants to transform its image, as customers have been saying it’s stuck in the past.
Convert My dad decided to change his garage into a workshop. My dad decided to convert his garage into a workshop.
Strong Rework Can you please change the layout of this lab report to make it clearer? Can you please rework the layout of this lab report to make it clearer?
Adjust After today’s feedback, we’re going to change the daily program for tomorrow. After today’s feedback, we’re going to adjust the daily program for tomorrow.
Adapt Sarah is great at changing how she communicates based on different people’s needs. Sarah is great at adapting how she communicates based on different people’s needs.
Evolve Around 10,000 BC, society changed when humans transitioned from hunting and gathering to agriculture. Around 10,000 BC, society evolved when humans transitioned from hunting and gathering to agriculture.
Weak Revise My editor suggested I change the wording in this paragraph. My editor suggested I revise the wording in this paragraph.
Tweak The engineer made a small change to the machine. The engineer made a small tweak to the machine.
Shift This data is really interesting, but I think you should change your focus slightly in your research paper. This data is really interesting, but I think you should shift your focus slightly in your research paper.
Mutate Over time, the virus will change to adapt to new environments. Over time, the virus will mutate to adapt to new environments.

When change means “to replace one thing with another,” the strongest synonyms also mean removing one thing and putting something in its place. However, synonyms for change like “exchange” imply a two-way action, where two things replace each other.

Synonyms for change meaning “to replace one thing with another”
Match Synonym Change example Synonym example
Strongest Replace I need to change the power cable on my vacuum. I need to replace the power cable on my vacuum.
Substitute You can change cream for the milk in this recipe. You can substitute cream for the milk in this recipe.
Strong Swap Would you mind changing seats so my friends and I can sit together? Would you mind swapping seats so my friends and I can sit together?
Switch Mark and James, change places. Mark and James, switch places.
Trade Want to change your peanut butter sandwich for my turkey one? Want to trade your peanut butter sandwich for my turkey one?
Exchange We regret that tickets cannot be changed. We regret that tickets cannot be exchanged.

Change (noun) synonyms

When change means “alteration,” the strongest synonyms have meanings that most closely align with this definition. Other synonyms may have more nuanced denotations or carry connotations that change usually doesn’t.

For example, “deviation” denotes a “change from the norm.” “Mutation” means a “change to form or nature” and may hold a negative connotation in some contexts.

Synonyms for change meaning “alteration”
Match Synonym Change example Synonym example
Strongest Alteration We have to make some changes to the dress. We have to make some alterations to the dress.
Modification The engineers are making a small change to the machine. The engineers are making a small modification to the machine.
Difference What a change in the weather today! What a difference in the weather today!
Variation We noticed some changes in the data output. We noticed some variations in the data output.
Transformation Sheena has undergone a major change between last year and now. Sheena has undergone a major transformation between last year and now.
Strong Shift There was a noticeable change in his behavior after the meeting. There was a noticeable shift in his behavior after the meeting.
Adjustment Can you make these few changes in the essay? Can you make these few adjustments in the essay?
Development The conference will showcase the latest changes in the industry. The conference will showcase the latest developments in the industry.
Adaptation The school board mandated a change in teaching strategy to meet student needs. The school board mandated an adaptation in teaching strategy to meet student needs.
Weak Mutation Random changes play a huge part in evolution. Random mutations play a huge part in evolution.
Deviation Her latest novel was a change from the types of books she normally writes. Her latest novel was a deviation from the types of books she normally writes.

There are fewer synonyms for change when it means “substitution” as a noun than when it means “to replace one thing with another.” This is because it’s less natural to use change as a noun in this way.

Synonyms for change meaning “replacement”
Match Synonym Change example Synonym example
Strongest Replacement This paint color is a good change compared to what we used to have. This paint color is a good replacement compared to what we used to have.
Substitution There’s been a change in today’s lineup. There’s been a substitution in today’s lineup.
Strong Switch There’s been a change of venue. There’s been a switch of venue.
Swap Bulgur makes for a nice change from rice. Bulgur makes for a nice swap for rice.

When change refers to a process, such as “fluctuation,” its synonyms tend to be less natural in everyday use than the word change itself.

Synonyms for change meaning “fluctuation”
Match Synonym Change example Synonym example
Strong Fluctuation Nothing is more constant than change itself. Nothing is more constant than fluctuation itself.
Transformation Change is a part of aging. Transformation is a part of aging.
Metamorphosis Change is natural for many insects. Metamorphosis is natural for many insects.
As a noun, change also has a few meanings related to money:

  • Coins, as opposed to bills (e.g., “I have some change in my pocket”)
  • The difference returned to you when you pay more than you owe (e.g., “Your change today is $5”)
  • Money in the figurative sense (e.g., “I spent a hefty chunk of change on this new TV”)

For these meanings, a few synonyms could be:

  • For “coins”: “coinage” and “pocket money”
  • For “difference”: “balance,” “refund,” “remainder,” and “cashback”
  • For “money” figuratively: “cash,” “paper,” “moolah,” “dough,” and “funds”

Frequently asked questions about change synonyms

What’s a synonym for change over time?

Some synonyms for noun phrase “change over time” are:

  • Evolution
  • Development
  • Progress
  • Shift
  • Growth
  • Passage
  • Transformation

You can also choose a synonym for change and modify it with the prepositional phrase “over time.”

If you want to use “change over time” as a verb, use the verb forms of these synonyms (e.g., “evolve,” “develop,” “progress,” etc.).

Or, QuillBot’s free paraphrasing tool can help you find more synonyms for this phrase and others like it.

What’s a synonym for climate change?

Some synonyms for the noun phrase “climate change” are:

  • Global warming
  • Global heating
  • Climate emergency
  • Climate crisis
  • Environmental change
  • Increased greenhouse gases

You could also review the synonyms for change to explore other ways to express this meaning.

Or, use QuillBot’s free Paraphraser to other ways to express your intended meaning.

What’s a synonym for make a change?

Some synonyms for “make a change” are:

  • Alter
  • Modify
  • Transform
  • Adjust
  • Amend

You can also choose a different synonym for change and use it with the verb “make” or use it in its verb form (e.g., “make a revision” or “revise”).

QuillBot’s free paraphrasing tool can also help you rewrite your sentences to express your intended meaning in other words.

What’s an antonym for change?

“Change” is both a noun and a verb, so its antonyms vary based on which part of speech you need.

As a noun, some antonyms for “change” are:

  • Stability
  • Constancy
  • Consistency
  • Uniformity
  • Permanence
  • Sameness
  • Similarity

As a verb, some antonyms for “change” are:

  • Maintain
  • Preserve
  • Keep
  • Retain
  • Stagnate
  • Leave alone

When in doubt, use QuillBot’s Grammar Checker to make sure you’ve used antonyms for “change” and synonyms for change correctly in your writing.

What’s a synonym for big change?

Some synonyms for the noun phrase “big change” are:

  • Major shift
  • Significant transformation
  • Dramatic alteration
  • Substantial difference
  • Sweeping reform
  • Radical overhaul
  • Revolution

You can also opt for a synonym for change and modify it with the adjective “big” or one of its synonyms.

QuillBot’s free Paraphraser can also help you find other ways to express phrases like “big change.”

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Kate Santoro, BS

Kate has a BS in journalism. She has taught English as a second language in Spain to students of all ages for a decade. She also has experience in content management and marketing.