Along With Synonyms | Uses & Example Sentences

Along with is a prepositional phrase that means “in addition to.”

Some synonyms for along with include:

  • Together with
  • As well as
  • Besides
  • Coupled with
  • Accompanied by
  • Alongside
  • In conjunction with
  • Hand in hand with
  • Side by side with
  • Simultaneously with
  • Plus
  • And
  • Too

Synonyms for along with

Some synonyms more strongly match along with than others. For example, “as well as” can almost always be directly substituted for along with, but if you want to use “too,” you’d have to make some additional changes to the sentence.

QuillBot’s free Paraphraser can help you rewrite sentences to use synonyms like these correctly.

Synonyms for along with
Match Synonym Along with example Synonym example
Stronger Together with I’m the best in the group along with Ben. I’m the best in the group together with Ben.
As well as English, along with French, is my favorite class. English, as well as French, is my favorite class.
Besides Along with the main course, there will be several side dishes. Besides the main course, there will be several side dishes.
Coupled with My creativity, along with your strategic thinking, will help us in this project. My creativity, coupled with your strategic thinking, will help us in this project.
Accompanied by Jane is coming to the wedding along with her new partner. Jane is coming to the wedding accompanied by her new partner.
Strong In conjunction with Along with city hall, we’re proud to announce this new initiative. In conjunction with city hall, we’re proud to announce this new initiative.
Hand in hand with The two teams worked along with each other. The two teams worked hand in hand with each other.
Side by side with I, along with five other artists, am going to have a show at the museum this fall. I, side by side with five other artists, am going to have a show at the museum this fall.
Simultaneously with We’re studying chemistry along with biology this semester. We’re studying chemistry simultaneously with biology this semester.
Alongside The child walked along with their grandfather. The child walked alongside their grandfather.
Weak And She enjoys reading along with writing. She enjoys reading and writing.
Plus I’m ordering steak along with potatoes. I’m ordering steak plus potatoes.
Too He loves hiking along with swimming. He loves hiking. He loves swimming too.
Some of these synonyms for along with have more nuanced meanings you should be aware of:

  • “Alongside” suggests physical proximity or parallel action.
  • “Simultaneously with” implies parallel action.
  • “Hand in hand with” suggests close cooperation.
  • “Side by side with” can refer to physical proximity or close cooperation.

Also note that “besides” can mean “in addition to” (e.g., “Besides reading, I love writing”) or “apart from” (“I like all foods besides artichokes”).

Frequently asked questions about along with synonyms

What’s a synonym for easy to get along with?

Some synonyms for the adjective phrase “easy to get along with” are:

  • Amiable
  • Approachable
  • Likable
  • Affable
  • Sociable
  • Congenial
  • Pleasant
  • Good-natured

Find more synonyms for “easy to get along with” with QuillBot’s free Paraphraser.

What’s a synonym for along with that?

Some synonyms for the prepositional phrase “along with that” are:

  • Together with that
  • In addition to that
  • As well as that
  • Coupled with that
  • Besides that

You can find more synonyms for “along with that” by choosing a synonym for along with and adding “that” to it, or by using QuillBot’s free Paraphraser.

What’s the meaning of go along with?

“Go along with” is a phrasal verb that means “to agree with someone or something.”

It often implies a willingness to accept or tolerate something, even if it wasn’t your original choice.

Go along with in a sentence examples
I didn’t fully agree with the decision, but I decided to go along with it for now.

She tends to go along with whatever her friends suggest.

The team will go along with the new strategy.

This is one of several phrasal verbs that work with the prepositional phrase along with.

A QuillBot Grammar Check can make sure you’re using phrasal verbs like “go along with” correctly.

What’s a synonym for along with this?

Synonyms for the prepositional phrase “along with this” include:

For more synonyms of “along with this,” choose a synonym for along with and add “this” to it, or use QuillBot’s free Paraphraser to rewrite your sentences.

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Kate Santoro, BS

Kate has a BS in journalism. She has taught English as a second language in Spain to students of all ages for a decade. She also has experience in content management and marketing.