Strong Synonyms | Uses & Example Sentences

Strong is an adjective that means “having power or being physically robust,” “able to withstand great force,” “able to endure hardship,” and “very intense.”

Some synonyms for strong are:

  • Powerful
  • Muscular
  • Mighty
  • Sturdy
  • Durable
  • Tough
  • Rugged
  • Resilient
  • Tenacious
  • Potent
  • Overwhelming
  • Acute

Synonyms for strong

When strong means “having power or physically robust,” most synonyms denote a strong physique and cannot be used to describe inanimate objects.

The exceptions are the closest synonyms for strong: “powerful” (e.g., “a powerful wind”), “mighty” (e.g., “a mighty military”), and “muscular,” which can be used metaphorically to describe non-living things (e.g., “a muscular economy”).

Synonyms for strong meaning “having power or physically robust”
Match Synonym Strong example Synonym example
Strongest Powerful Swimmers usually have really strong shoulders. Swimmers usually have really powerful shoulders.
Mighty Hercules is a strong hero from Greek mythology. Hercules is a mighty hero from Greek mythology.
Muscular My sister has gotten really strong since she started going to the gym. My sister has gotten really muscular since she started going to the gym.
Strong Brawny Lumberjacks are stereotypically thought of as strong men. Lumberjacks are stereotypically thought of as brawny men.
Strapping In the story, the king and queen have five strong sons. In the story, the king and queen have five strapping sons.
Burly We saw a strong figure approaching us, but we didn’t yet know who it was. We saw a burly figure approaching us, but we didn’t yet know who it was.
Weak Jacked My new personal trainer is strong. My new personal trainer is jacked.
Ripped After months of intense workouts, his arms are strong. After months of intense workouts, his arms are ripped.
Well-built The athlete is about six foot tall and strong. The athlete is about six foot tall and well-built.
Fit She trains daily to stay strong for her upcoming marathon. She trains daily to stay fit for her upcoming marathon.
“Jacked” and “ripped” are informal synonyms for strong and should be avoided in formal writing.

For strong meaning “able to withstand great force,” the strongest synonyms are good replacements across various contexts. Weak synonyms have more specific meanings and therefore may not always be accurate substitutions for strong. For example, “indestructible” means “not able to be destroyed.”

Synonyms for strong meaning “able to withstand great force”
Match Synonym Strong example Synonym example
Sturdy All of the capital city’s bridges are strong enough to support the weight of trucks. All of the capital city’s bridges are sturdy enough to support the weight of trucks.
Durable Canvas is a strong fabric, and we can use it in many ways. Canvas is a durable fabric, and we can use it in many ways.
Tough Aluminum is not as strong as steel. Aluminum is not as tough as steel.
Rugged These boots are strong enough for even the toughest terrain. These boots are rugged enough for even the toughest terrain.
Strong Firm This house’s foundation is strong and has already endured several earthquakes. This house’s foundation is firm and has already endured several earthquakes.
Secure The door is strong and won’t budge easily. The door is secure and won’t budge easily.
Weak Indestructible I use these strong plastic containers to store my tools. I use these indestructible plastic containers to store my tools.
Impenetrable The castle is strong; it will be our best defense. The castle is impenetrable; it will be our best defense.
Impregnable The mountain fortress is strong. The mountain fortress is impregnable.
“Impenetrable” and “impregnable” mean “unable to pass through or defeat” and can only be used to describe places. Nowadays, these words aren’t very common in everyday English, but they may be heard in literary or military contexts.

When strong means “able to endure hardship,” the strongest synonyms share this definition. Weak synonyms do not strictly mean “able to endure hardship” but often carry that connotation.

Synonyms for strong meaning “able to endure hardship”
Match Synonym Strong example Synonym example
Strongest Resilient The cactus is a strong plant that’s able to survive in difficult desert conditions. The cactus is a resilient plant that’s able to survive in difficult desert conditions.
Tough My grandmother proved how strong she is when she immigrated here alone at 18. My grandmother proved how tough she is when she immigrated here alone at 18.
Tenacious Strong people don’t give up easily. Tenacious people don’t give up easily.
Strong Determined You have to be strong if you’re always traveling alone for work. You have to be determined if you’re always traveling alone for work.
Resolute I’m trying to be strong, but these last few setbacks really affected me. I’m trying to be resolute, but these last few setbacks really affected me.
Hardy This tree is extremely strong. It’s withstanding my axe! This tree is extremely hardy. It’s withstanding my axe!
Weak Stoic Grandpa Neil was always strong, despite the many injuries and hardships in his life. Grandpa Neil was always stoic, despite the many injuries and hardships in his life.
Formidable Janine is strong; it seems like nothing can break her. Janine is formidable; it seems like nothing can break her.
Spirited The child must be strong to have endured this. The child must be spirited to have endured this.
Feisty The cat will be fine as she finds her way home; she’s really strong. The cat will be fine as she finds her way home; she’s really feisty.
Many of these synonyms refer to being able to withstand non-physical hardships, such as  emotional or financial ones. However, “resilient,” “tough,” “hardy,” and “stoic” can also refer to withstanding physical hardships, like injuries or harsh conditions.

Strong meaning “very intense” can describe many sensations, like feelings, tastes, and smells. Its strongest synonyms can be used across diverse contexts. Weak synonyms like “pungent” and “spicy” are more specific to smells and tastes.

Synonyms for strong meaning “very intense”
Match Synonym Strong example Synonym example
Strongest Potent This is strong medicine, so it should work quickly. This is potent medicine, so it should work quickly.
Overwhelming A strong, sweet smell filled the air. An overwhelming, sweet smell filled the air.
Acute I feel a strong pain in my left shoulder. I feel an acute pain in my left shoulder.
Strong Robust This wine has a strong flavor and full body. This wine has a robust flavor and full body.
Striking Lara’s strong resemblance to her mother is undeniable. Lara’s striking resemblance to her mother is undeniable.
Sharp I love the flavor of strong cheddar. I love the flavor of sharp cheddar.
Vivid My memories of our old house are still strong. My memories of our old house are still vivid.
Weak Pungent A strong odor is coming from the garbage can. A pungent odor is coming from the garbage can.
Spicy These chilis are strong. These chilis are spicy.
Strong can also mean “persuasive,” like in “you present a strong case.” This use isn’t as common, but a few synonyms for strong with this meaning are:

  • Compelling
  • Convincing
  • Conclusive
  • Valid
  • Effective

QuillBot’s free Paraphraser can help you find more synonyms for strong for whichever meaning you intend.

Frequently asked questions about strong synonyms

What’s a synonym for strong you can use on a resume?

Some synonyms for strong that you can use on a resume are:

  • Effective
  • Competent
  • Capable
  • Proficient
  • Skilled
  • Proven

For example, instead of “strong communicator,” you could say “effective communicator.”

QuillBot’s Paraphraser can help you find even more synonyms for “strong” to use on your resume.

What’s a synonym for strong willed?

Synonyms for “strong-willed” overlap with synonyms for strong when it means “able to endure hardship.” They include:

  • Determined
  • Tenacious
  • Tough
  • Resolute
  • Persistent
  • Steadfast

If you want to find even more synonyms for “strong-willed,” use QuillBot’s free Paraphraser.

What’s a synonym for strong desire?

Some synonyms for “strong desire” are:

  • Aspiration
  • Yearning
  • Longing
  • Craving
  • Hunger
  • Passion
  • Thirst

You could also choose a synonym for strong when it means “very intense” and use that adjective to modify the noun “desire” (e.g., “acute desire”).

Or use QuillBot’s free Paraphraser to find synonyms for “strong desire.”

What’s a synonym for strong work ethic?

Some synonyms for “strong work ethic” are:

  • Diligence
  • Dedication
  • Perseverance
  • Industriousness
  • Discipline
  • Drive
  • Initiative

For more synonyms for “strong work ethic,” or for synonyms for strong, use QuillBot’s free Paraphraser.

What’s a synonym for strong suit?

Synonyms for “strong suit” include:

  • Strength
  • Expertise
  • Specialty
  • Forte
  • Proficiency
  • Knack

Instead of using “strong suit,” you could also choose a synonym for strong when it means “persuasive” and use that adjective to describe what someone is good at (e.g., “She’s a compelling writer” instead of “Writing is her expertise”).

QuillBot’s free Paraphraser can also help you find other ways to express the idea behind “strong suit.”

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Kate Santoro, BS

Kate has a BS in journalism. She has taught English as a second language in Spain to students of all ages for a decade. She also has experience in content management and marketing.