Literally Synonyms | Uses & Example Sentences

Literally is an adverb that means “exactly as stated.”

Some synonyms for literally include:

  • Actually
  • Completely
  • Directly
  • Precisely
  • Plainly
  • Simply
  • Truly
  • Genuinely
  • Sincerely
  • Factually
  • Verbatim
  • Word for word
  • To the letter

Synonyms for literally

Some synonyms for literally are stronger matches than others. For example, you can generally replace literally with “actually.” On the other hand, using “to the letter” in place of literally requires some light sentence rewrites.

A QuillBot grammar check can make sure you rewrite any sentences correctly to accommodate these synonyms.

Synonyms for literally
Match Synonym Literally example Synonym example
Strongest Actually The bear literally ate 20 salmon. I counted! The bear actually ate 20 salmon. I counted!
Completely This caramel is literally sugar and cream. This caramel is completely sugar and cream.
Directly The dig site is literally in the middle of the city. The dig site is directly in the middle of the city.
Precisely At 9 AM, literally, the phone rang. At 9 AM, precisely, the phone rang.
Strong Plainly I’m not surprised they didn’t answer the phone. It says right here, quite literally, “all inquiries must be sent via email.” I’m not surprised they didn’t answer the phone. It says right here, quite plainly, “all inquiries must be sent via email.”
Simply This is literally the best sale the company will have this season. This is simply the best sale the company will have this season.
Truly The child literally cannot read; we must teach her how. The child truly cannot read; we must teach her how.
Genuinely This opossum isn’t playing, it’s literally dead. This opossum isn’t playing, it’s genuinely dead.
Sincerely The sound literally gave me a headache. The sound sincerely gave me a headache.
Weak Factually The statement isn’t literally wrong, but it lacks context. The statement isn’t factually wrong, but it lacks context.
Verbatim She literally said, “You’re the best employee here.” She said verbatim, “You’re the best employee here.”
Word for word My sister can literally recite her entire essay. My sister can recite her entire essay word for word.
To the letter They read, literally, the entire user’s manual. They read the entire user’s manual to the letter.
Nowadays, literally is often used as a figure of speech to mean “really.” In this sense, literally is used as hyperbole to exaggerate a statement that is not actually true. This use is most common in American English.

A few examples of this use of literally are:

  • “I will literally turn the world upside down to achieve my goals.” (No one can turn the world upside down.)
  • “That exam was so hard my head literally exploded.” (If your head had exploded, you wouldn’t be around to make this statement.)
  • “I was literally blown away by the audience’s response.” (Even a large audience can’t move someone with their breath alone.)

A few synonyms for literally with this figurative meaning are:

  • Really
  • Very
  • Entirely
  • Totally
  • Completely

Frequently asked questions about literally synonyms

What’s an antonym for literally?

Some antonyms for the adverb “literally” include:

QuillBot’s free Paraphraser can help you find antonyms for “literally” or synonyms for literally.

What does literally mean?

“Literally” is an adverb that means “exactly as stated” or “using the literal or primary meaning of a word.” A few synonyms for literally are “actually,” “completely,” and “directly.”

That said, “literally” is sometimes used nowadays—primarily in American English—as a figure of speech to emphasize a statement.

For example:

  • “A bird literally flew through the window as I was opening it.” (This means “exactly as stated,” since birds can fly.)
  • “My brother literally flew out the room as soon as he heard.” (Humans can’t fly, so “literally” is being used here figuratively.)

QuillBot’s Grammar Checker can help make sure you use “literally” correctly.

What’s a synonym for literal?

Some synonyms for the adjective “literal” are:

  • Accurate
  • Actual
  • Authentic
  • True
  • Factual
  • Historical

Find more synonyms for “literal” or synonyms for literally with QuillBot’s free Paraphraser.

How do you pronounce literally?

The adverb “literally” is pronounced “lih-tuh-rah-lee” in American English. In British English, it’s pronounced “lih-truh-lee.”

There may be other pronunciations depending on the English variant being used.

If this pronunciation is inconvenient, QuillBot’s free Paraphraser can help you find synonyms for literally that may be easier to pronounce.

How do you spell literally?

The adverb literally is spelled “l-i-t-e-r-a-l-l-y.” This word has one “t” and two “l’s.”

“Litterally” (with two “t’s”) and “literaly” (with one “l”) are both wrong. 

QuillBot’s Grammar Checker can make sure you spell “literally” correctly every time.

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Kate Santoro, BS

Kate has a BS in journalism. She has taught English as a second language in Spain to students of all ages for a decade. She also has experience in content management and marketing.