Adapt vs Adopt | Difference, Meaning & Examples

If you adapt something, you change it for a new purpose, while if you adopt something, you begin using it or “accept it as your own.”

  • The verb adapt means “change in order to deal with new circumstances” (e.g., “The needs of our customers changed, so we had to adapt”) or “change for a new purpose” (e.g.,“We adapted the labeling machine so it would work with the new bottle size”).
  • The verb adopt means “begin to use” or “implement” (e.g., “The new policy was adopted last year”). It can also mean “legally become the parent of a child who was not born to you” (e.g., “We adopted Daniela when she was two years old”).
Adapt vs adopt in a sentence examples
She has adapted very quickly to her new school. The school has adopted a new cell-phone policy in line with the board’s recommendations.
You don’t need to write a new plan; just adapt the old one. Companies are being encouraged to adopt this new technology.
The minibus has been adapted for wheelchair users. Deciding to adopt a child is the biggest decision we have ever made.
You can adapt to something, but you can’t adopt to something.

  • We need to adapt to this new situation.
  • We need to adopt to this new situation.

Adapt definition

If you adapt, you change your behavior, approach, or attitude so you can deal with a new situation successfully. If you “adapt” something, you modify it so you can use it for a new purpose. The verb “adapt” frequently combines with the adverbs “quickly,” “easily,” “successfully,” and “perfectly.”

Adapt in a sentence examples
I’d been working from home, so it took me a while to adapt to office life again.

The experts will discuss how farmers can successfully adapt to the challenges of climate change.

These classroom activities can be easily adapted for children of different ages.

She wants to adapt her first novel for the stage.

Systems with underfloor heating are easy to adapt for use with a heat pump.

Adaptation meaning

In the arts, the noun adaptation refers to “a work that is based on a work from a different medium” (e.g., a stage play based on a book or a movie based on a musical).

In the context of evolution, an adaptation is a feature or characteristic of an animal, plant, or other living organism that helps it to succeed in its environment.

In a general sense, adaptation refers to the process, act, or result of modifying something for a new purpose or adjusting your behavior or approach in response to a change of circumstances.

Adaptation in a sentence examples
She recently completed a stage adaptation of her first novel.

Book adaptations dominated the Oscars this year.

Without this adaptation, the fish could not survive at these depths.

The client wants us to make a few adaptations to the design.

Adaptation to climate change is crucial for food security.

Adopt meaning

The verb adopt means “begin using or embracing” or “accept as your own.” It frequently combines with the nouns “policy,” “approach,” “strategy,” and “measure.”

If you adopt a child, you become the legal parent of a child who was not born to you.

Adopt in a sentence examples
The company has adopted a new marketing strategy focused on engaging younger audiences.

We looked at how other cities were dealing with the problem and decided to adopt a similar approach.

The founder of the charity was herself adopted as a child.

Frequently asked questions about adapt vs adopt

What is a synonym for adopt?

Synonyms for the verb adopt include:

  • Implement
  • Embrace
  • Follow
  • Deploy
  • Use

When the meaning is “become the parent of a child not born to you,” close synonyms include “bring up,” “raise,” and “take in.”

On a related note, if you’re not sure if adapt or adopt is the word you need, remember that you can’t “adopt to” something.

Why not use QuillBot’s free Paraphraser to help you find a synonym for “adopt” that fits your specific context?

What does adoption mean?

The noun adoption refers to the process or act of “becoming the legal parent of a child not born to you” (e.g., “The adoption of a foster child is usually a quicker process than the adoption of a newborn”).

In a general sense, “adoption” means the process of act of “beginning to use or embrace” (e.g., “Adoption of this new technology has been slow” or “We encourage the adoption of similar policies”).

On a related note, if you’re unsure whether adapt or adopt is the word you need, bear in mind that you can’t “adopt to” something.

Have you tried QuillBot’s free Grammar Checker? You can use it to check you’re using the word “adoption” correctly in your text.

What does adaption mean?

Adaption means the same as “adaptation” (i.e., it is a variant of the word “adaptation”). “Adaptation” is generally the best option for formal writing such as essays; it is used more frequently and listed as the main variant in most dictionaries.

The nouns “adaptation” and “adaption” refer to the process, act, or result of changing something for a new purpose or altering your behavior or approach in response to a change (e.g., “stage adaptation/adaption” “adaptation/adaption mechanism”).

On a related note, if you’re having trouble deciding whether adapt or adopt is the correct word, if it’s followed by the preposition “to” then “adapt” is probably the word you need (you can’t “adopt to” something).

Why not use QuillBot’s free Grammar Checker to check that you’re using the word “adaption” or “adaptation” correctly in your text?

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Tom Challenger, BA

Tom holds a teaching diploma and is an experienced English language teacher, teacher trainer, and translator. He has taught university courses and worked as a teacher trainer on Cambridge CELTA courses.