Premier vs Premiere | Meaning, Difference & Spelling
A premiere is the first performance of something (e.g., “a movie premiere”), while a premier is the head of a government (e.g., “the Premier of British Columbia”).
- “Premiere” is used as a noun (e.g., “world premiere”) and a verb (e.g., “The movie premiered at the Sundance Film Festival”).
- “Premier” is used as a noun (e.g., “the Premier of South Australia”) and an adjective meaning “best” or “leading” (e.g., “one of the country’s premier universities”).
Premiere examples in a sentence | Premier examples in a sentence |
She is performing in the opera’s US premiere. | Presidents and premiers from all over the world attended her state funeral. |
The new work will premiere at Houston Grand Opera next year. | The convention is widely regarded as the premier event in the industry calendar. |
Premiere meaning
Premiere is a noun referring to the first performance of a movie, play, musical, etc., and a verb meaning “to have/give a first performance.”
Premier definition
Premier is an adjective meaning “leading,” “prestigious,” or “most important” and a noun meaning “the head of a government.”
You capitalize the noun “premier” when using it as a proper noun as part of a person’s official title (e.g., “She will meet the Premier of Queensland on Monday”). But you don’t capitalize it if you use it in a general sense to refer to a head of government (e.g., “She is scheduled to meet with the premiers of all the countries in the region”).
Frequently asked questions about premier vs premiere
- What is a synonym for premier?
Synonyms for the adjective premier include:
- Leading
- Best
- Foremost
- Elite
- Top
Synonyms for the noun premier include:
- Head of government
- (Government) leader
- Prime minister
- Chancellor
- Chief minister
On a related note, it matters if you spell it premier or premiere; “premiere” (with an “e”) refers to a first performance.
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- What is a synonym for premiere?
Synonyms for the noun premiere include:
- First performance
- First night
- First showing
- Opening night
- Launch
Synonyms for premiere when used as a verb include:
- Debut
- Open
- Have its first performance
- Begin showing
- Begin its run
On a related note, you can’t spell this word premiere or premier because they have different meanings; a “premier” (no “e”) is a government leader.
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