Eldest vs Oldest | Difference, Meaning & Examples
Eldest and oldest mean the same thing, but “eldest” is only used to refer to a person—almost always a member of a group of relatives (e.g., a sibling).
Eldest in a sentence | Oldest in a sentence |
Oldest vs eldest
“Oldest” means “of the greatest age” and can refer to people and things. It is the superlative form of the adjective “old.” We often prefer to use the alternative “eldest” when referring to a person, and this is almost always a member of a group of relatives (e.g., a sibling).
You can also use “oldest” and “eldest” as nouns to mean “the oldest one.”
Eldest in a sentence | Oldest in a sentence |
Elder vs older
Older means “greater in age” and can refer to people and things. It is the comparative form of the adjective “old.” When the alternative “elder” is used, it is normally referring to a member of a group of relatives, usually a sibling.
You can use elder as an attributive adjective (i.e., before a noun), but not as a predicative adjective (i.e., after a linking verb).
Elder in a sentence | Older in a sentence |
Elder is also used as a noun to refer to senior, respected members of a society. If the name of a historical figure is followed by “the Elder,” it means that they are the senior of two well-known family members with the same name (usually the father).
An elder statesman is a respected senior—often retired—politician, official, or member of a profession (e.g., “The open letter was signed by several prominent elder statesmen”). It can refer to both men and women.
Frequently asked questions about eldest vs oldest
- What is a synonym for older?
Synonyms for older include:
- Elder
- More senior
- More elderly
- More mature
- More outdated
Bear in mind that “elder” and “older” and eldest and oldest are not always interchangeable. “Elder”/“eldest” can only be used to refer to a person, and this is generally a member of a group of relatives (e.g., a sibling).
Use QuillBot’s free Paraphraser to help you find the best synonym for “older” in your specific context.
- What is a synonym for elder?
Synonyms for elder include:
- Older
- Leader (in the context of a community)
- Big (when referring to an older sister/brother)
Bear in mind that “elder” and “older” and eldest and oldest are not always interchangeable. “Elder”/“eldest” can only be used to refer to a person, and this is usually a member of a group of relatives (e.g., a sibling).