What is the best way to avoid a self-fulfilling prophecy?

Like all cognitive biases, self-fulfilling prophecies can be hard to avoid, especially because they operate at the unconscious level. There are some steps, however, that can help you avoid them:

  • Recognize self-fulfilling prophecies in your thoughts. It is worth taking time to analyze your thought patterns and the negative thoughts and beliefs you hold about yourself. Recognizing them allows you to take steps to alter them.
  • Rephrase and reframe your language. Damning yourself with absolute negative thoughts like “I can’t” or “never” feeds into negative self-fulfilling prophecies. Instead, use positive phrases (e.g., “I will try,” “I’ll give it a go”).
  • Change your mindset to a growth mindset. Recognize that your abilities and talents are not fixed in time, but can all improve. Celebrate each positive step you make to help create positive self-fulfilling prophecies.