What Is Verbal Irony? | Definition, Types & Examples

Verbal irony is a figure of speech in which the literal meaning of what someone says is different to the actual meaning.

Verbal irony is intentional and can be used to create humor or to make a point. Because verbal irony allows us to communicate ideas or emotions indirectly, it adds depth and nuance to our communication.

Example of verbal irony
Suppose you and your friend are on your way to a restaurant on a Saturday evening, but you get stuck in traffic. Your friend turns to you and says: “This is so much fun. I can’t think of a better way to spend a Saturday evening!”

Verbal irony is common in literature and in everyday conversations, but it should be avoided in academic writing or professional communication.

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What Is Figurative Language? | Definition & Examples

Figurative language is the use of words to convey meaning beyond their usual or literal understanding. Its primary purpose is to create an effect, generate humor, or exaggerate a point. Overall, we encounter figurative language in a wide range of contexts, from artistic expression to everyday conversations.

Figurative language examples
They unfortunately tried to cut corners when they were renovating.

The cat was purring with contentment on my lap.

His requests for a raise have been met with deafening silence.

My niece is a little angel.

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What Is Connotation? | Definition, Meaning & Examples

Connotation is the suggested or implied meaning of a word beyond its literal definition. This additional meaning varies depending on a person’s individual experiences and cultural context. Connotation plays a crucial role in how we interpret language, as it adds layers of meaning beyond the explicit definitions of words.

Connotation example
The literal meaning of “home” is the place where one lives. However, it may also be associated with feelings of warmth, safety, or deprivation, depending on a person’s individual experience. These subjective associations are what we call connotations.

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What Is an Analogy? | Definition, Meaning & Examples

An analogy is a comparison between two things that are typically considered unlike for the purpose of explanation or clarification. By emphasizing how two distinct entities or ideas are similar in some ways, analogies help us to comprehend unfamiliar concepts or ideas by drawing parallels with familiar ones.

Analogy example
A good teacher is like a good captain. Just as a captain guides and steers the ship, a teacher guides and steers their students toward knowledge. Both must possess leadership skills and the ability to adapt to changing circumstances to ensure a successful journey.

Analogies are commonly used in literature, everyday language, and problem-solving.

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What Is Hyperbole? | Definition & Examples

Hyperbole is the use of exaggerated language that is not meant to be taken literally. This is usually done to emphasize a point or add humor to a situation. We encounter hyperboles in various contexts, including literature, advertising, and everyday conversations.

Hyperbole examples
How’ve you been? I haven’t seen you for ages.

It was so quiet, you could hear a pin drop a mile away.

He was as tall as a skyscraper.

There’s enough food in the cupboard to feed an entire army.

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What Is a Malaphor? | Definition & Examples

A malaphor is the unintentional combination of two idioms or clichés. This usually results in a unique, humorous statement that doesn’t make a lot of sense.

Malaphor examples
It’s water under the dam. (“Water under the bridge” + “Water over the dam”)

You hit the nail on the nose. (“Hit the nail on the head” + “On the nose”)

Don’t burn your bridge at both ends. (“Don’t burn bridges” + “Burn the candle at both ends”)

Some malaphors have been repeated so many times that they’ve become as popular as the original idioms they are derived from (e.g., “She’s walking a thin line”).

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Overstatement | Definition, Meaning & Examples

An overstatement is an exaggeration that makes something seem more important or serious than it really is. We often use overstatements when we explain or describe something and want to amplify the effect of our words.

Overstatement example
“While her performance in the movie was compelling, calling it ‘Oscar-worthy’ would be an overstatement.”

Overstatements are used in various contexts, such as politics, advertising, and everyday conversation. However, we must be cautious of them as they can be misleading due to their exaggerated nature.

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Understatement | Definition, Examples & Meaning

An understatement presents something as less important, less serious, or smaller than it really is. When we understate something we intentionally downplay it to create various effects such as humor, irony, and emphasis.

Understatement example
Calling the movie “good” would be the understatement of the year—it received standing ovations and rave reviews from critics worldwide.

Like overstatements, understatements can be used in different contexts including literature, diplomacy, and everyday conversations.

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What Is Denotation? | Definition & Examples

Denotation is the literal or objective meaning of a word, devoid of any subjective feelings or associations. It is the most basic definition that everyone can agree upon regardless of their personal experiences or background.

Denotation provides a concrete and objective understanding of words, which in turn allows us to communicate with each other effectively.

Denotation example
When you say “chair,” others will generally understand what you are talking about; a one-person seat with four legs and a back. Each person may picture it differently (wooden or plastic, an office chair or a dining chair, etc.) but they all share the same denotation or basic understanding of what a chair is.

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Euphemism | Definition, Meaning & Examples

A euphemism is an expression that is used in place of words or phrases that may be considered embarrassing or unpleasant. For example, “kick the bucket” is a euphemism for “die.”

Euphemisms are used to discuss taboo topics in a more careful and less abrasive way, whether it be to appeal to an audience or adhere to personal beliefs. Many people who don’t like to use profanity use euphemisms instead (e.g., “heck”).

Euphemism examples
She is between jobs. [She is unemployed]

Dang it, that was close! [Damn it]

Could I interest you in an adult beverage? [Alcoholic drink]

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