Rhetorical Devices | Examples, Definition & List

Rhetorical devices are linguistic tools used by speakers and writers to make their arguments more compelling. These devices involve playing with sentence structure, sound, or meaning to evoke a particular reaction from the audience and ultimately persuade them. We often encounter rhetorical devices in public speaking and written communication.

Rhetorical devices example
Her smile was like sunshine on a cold winter day. [simile]

All birds lay eggs; a penguin is a bird; therefore a penguin lays eggs. [syllogism]

The project fell apart faster than the wings of Icarus as he flew too close to the sun. [allusion]

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What Is Purple Prose? | Meaning & Examples

Purple prose is an excessive and flowery writing style that draws attention to itself, pulling the reader out of the story. It is characterized by long-winded sentences, unnecessary adjectives, and flamboyant vocabulary. While some writers may use purple prose deliberately for effect, it is generally considered a sign of poor writing and is best avoided.

Purple prose example 
“It was a dark and stormy night; the rain fell in torrents—except at occasional intervals, when it was checked by a violent gust of wind which swept up the streets (for it is in London that our scene lies), rattling along the housetops, and fiercely agitating the scanty flame of the lamps that struggled against the darkness.”

The melodramatic tone in the opening lines of Edward Bulwer-Lytton’s 1830 novel Paul Clifford is a hallmark of purple prose.

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Enthymeme | Definition & Examples

An enthymeme is an argument in which one of the premises is implied because it is assumed to be obvious or already accepted by the audience. Instead of explicitly stating every element of the argument, speakers and writers rely on enthymemes to make a point quickly and efficiently.

Enthymemes are common in everyday communication, literature, and persuasive speeches.

Enthymeme examples 
Stealing is wrong because it causes harm to others. [“Causing harm to others is wrong” is implied]

She must be trustworthy since she is a doctor. [“Doctors are trustworthy” is implied]

I failed the test because the teacher does not like me. [“Teachers fail students they do not like” is implied]

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Zeugma | Definition & Examples

Zeugma is the use of a word to modify or “govern” two or more words even though its use may be grammatically or logically appropriate with only one. This unusual construction often creates a surprising or humorous effect. Zeugma appears in various contexts, including poetry, prose, puns, and jokes.

Zeugma examples
I quickly dressed myself and the salad.

She looked at the object with suspicion and a magnifying glass.

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Chiasmus | Definition & Examples

Chiasmus is the reversed repetition of grammatical structures or ideas in a sentence. In chiasmus, the first part of a sentence is repeated in reverse order in the second part, creating a mirror-like effect. This often enhances the meaning or impact of the statement without necessarily repeating the same words.

Chiasmus example in Shakespeare’s Othello
“Who dotes, yet doubts; suspects, yet strongly loves”

Here, “dotes” and “strongly loves” mean the same thing, as do “doubts” and “suspects.”

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What Is Anadiplosis? | Definition & Examples

Anadiplosis is the repetition of a word or phrase at the end of a sentence and the beginning of the next. It is often used to emphasize an idea, to establish a link between thoughts, or to create a rhythmic effect. Because of this, we encounter anadiplosis in different contexts such as literature, speeches, and children’s storybooks.

Anadiplosis example 
“Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.”

Yoda, Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace

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What Are Figures of Speech? | Examples & List

Figures of speech are words or phrases that deliberately deviate from common language use to create a stylistic effect. Their main purpose is to add creativity and depth to our communication and keep others engaged in what we have to say or write. We encounter figures of speech in various contexts, including prose, poetry, and everyday language.

Figures of speech examples
What’s in this bag? It weighs a ton. [hyperbole]

Grandpa is as blind as a bat without his glasses. [simile]

To give a more appealing spin on their second-hand clothes, the store calls their items “pre-loved.” [euphemism]

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What Is a Caesura? | Definition & Examples

A caesura is a break or pause in a line of poetry, either caused by the natural flow of the language or marked by punctuation.

The purpose of a caesura is to make the poem sound more like natural speech, emphasizing certain words, and helping to create a more interesting and engaging rhythm. Caesura is often indicated using lines, either slashed (//) or upright (||).

Caesura example: “The Road Not Taken” by Robert Frost
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—//
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

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Pleonasm | Definition, Meaning & Examples

Pleonasm is the use of more words than necessary to make a point. Pleonasms often occur accidentally and are considered a stylistic fault. However, sometimes they are used deliberately to reinforce an idea.

Pleonasm examples
Thanks to our joint cooperation, we managed to overcome each and every obstacle.

The applicants were few in number.

I do think about you.

My grandfather was very proud of the exact replica of a samurai sword he bought.

Their visit was an unexpected surprise.

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What Is a Kenning? | Examples & Definition

A kenning is a compound word or phrase that is used to represent a single word, such as “wave traveler” for “boat.” Kennings were commonly used in Old Norse and Old English poetry, but we also use them today. For example, when we call someone a “pencil pusher” or a “tree hugger.”

Kenning examples
  • Bane of wood: fire
  • Battle dew: blood
  • Sea-horse: ship
  • Wolf of wounds: warrior
  • Skull-splitter: axe
  • Guardian of the people: king
  • Path of the sea: river
  • Heaven’s joy: morning
  • Arrow’s storm: attack
  • Water’s chain: frost
  • Feeder of ravens: warrior
  • Hoard-keeper: a dragon or guardian of treasure
  • Frosty-breath: winter

Kennings enrich the poetic language and reflect the cultural values and natural surroundings of the societies that created them.

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