How do you cite a government report in APA?

To cite a government report in APA, start by looking for the author, which can be one or more people, a division of a larger government agency, or the government agency at large. Then, you’ll need the following details for an APA reference page entry:

  • Year of publication
  • Title of the report (which goes in italics and sentence case)
  • Name of the government agency that published the report (If the at-large organization is the author, omit the publisher slot. If the author is a division, the larger agency is the publisher.)
  • URL for the report
APA government report references examples
Author type Reference entry
Eaves, S. (2024, October 28). Lead in private well water and its impacts on children’s health. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
Division of a government agency
Bureau of Labor Statistics. (2024). Highlight of women’s earnings in 2023. U.S. Department of Labor.
Government agency at large
Canada Council for the Arts. (2024). 2023–24 annual report.

Each time you paraphrase an idea from a government report, an APA in-text citation should include the author (whether it’s a person or the government organization) and the year of publication. Citations for quotations need page numbers as well.

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