*Aswell or As Well | Correct Spelling & Examples

As well (with a space) is the correct way to write the phrase meaning “also” or “too.”

Aswell (all together) is always incorrect.

Aswell or as well in a sentence examples
  • I like coffee, but I drink tea as well.
  • I like coffee, but I drink tea aswell.

As well or aswell

As well is an adverb that means “also” or “too.” It’s typically used at the end of a sentence.

As well meaning “too” in a sentence examples
They are coming to the party as well.

Kara plays the piano, and she plays the guitar as well.

My brother wants to come to the theater as well.

As well can also mean “equally reasonable.” As well implies that the suggested action is just as reasonable as any other option, often because there’s not a better choice or potential outcome.

With this meaning, as well is often accompanied by the modal verb “might” or “may.”

As well meaning “equally reasonable” in a sentence examples
You might as well take the bus instead of walking; it’s about the same distance.

We may as well leave now since there’s no point in staying any longer.

Since Dave is already here, he might as well stay for the meeting.

Aswell is always wrong, regardless of meaning.

Aswell in a sentence examples
  • I prefer whisky, but I like tequila aswell.
  • He may aswell buy the lite version of the software since he doesn’t need all the features.
  • We might aswell order dessert; what’s a few more dollars at this point?

A QuillBot Grammar Check can make sure you always use as well and never aswell.

As well as or aswell as

As well and “as well as” have very similar meanings.

The main difference is that “as well as” functions as a preposition or conjunction. It can therefore link different clauses together, and it doesn’t need to come at the end of a sentence.

Just as with aswell or as well, “aswell as” is never correct. The correct way to write this is always “as well as.”

As well as or aswell as in a sentence examples
  • She enjoys painting as well as drawing.
  • She enjoys painting aswell as drawing.
  • The teacher, as well as the students, is excited.
  • The teacher, aswell as the students, is excited.
  • Lemons, as well as oranges, have high amounts of vitamin C.
  • Lemons, aswell as oranges, have high amounts of vitamin C.

Frequently asked questions about aswell or as well

What’s the meaning of me as well?

The meaning of “me as well” is “me too.”

As well” is an adverb that means “also” or “too.” Do not get confused between aswell and as well. “As well” is the correct way to write this phrase; “aswell” is always incorrect.

For example:

  • They gave my sister a computer, and they gave one to me as well.
  • They gave my sister a computer, and they gave one to me aswell.

A QuillBot Grammar Check can make sure you always write “as well” correctly.

What does as well mean?

As well means “too” or “also.” You can use the phrase to add an idea or an item to something you have said before (e.g., “I am tired of politics now as well”).

There are some common English phrases that include as well, such as “might as well,” “as well as,” “you as well,” and “just as well.”

Make sure to write this correctly; it’s never aswell.

Some synonyms for as well include “too,” “also,” “in addition to,” and “along with.”

If you want to vary your vocabulary, you can use the QuillBot Paraphrasing Tool.

What is the meaning of mine as well?

Mine as well is a common mistaken version of might as well and should not be used when the meaning is might as well.

Might as well is a phrase that is used to express the idea that a certain course of action will make little difference (e.g., “We might as well take an umbrella”). It can also suggest there is no reason not to do something (e.g., “You might as well call her to see if she’s in”). In these cases “mine as well” would make no sense, and you should use might as well.

There are occasions when mine as well would be the correct choice, where you are saying that something is also true of something to do with you. In this case, mine is the first-person possessive pronoun:

  • Jill: My kids are off school this week.
  • Jack: Mine as well.

Remember aswell is always incorrect, and this phrase must be written with a space.

Use the QuillBot Grammar Checker to help you check your vocabulary and spelling.

What does you as well mean?

You as well is an informal phrase that means the same as you too. They are both used to reflect back a greeting or sentiment:

  • Katka: Have a great holiday!
  • Jan: You as well!

It is a simple phrase combining the second-person pronoun “you” and “as well,” a phrase meaning “too” or “also.”

You as well and you too are only suitable in informal circumstances and not in formal writing. And remember it’s always “you as well;” aswell is always incorrect.

QuillBot’s rephraser can help you vary your vocabulary to reflect your intended meaning.

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Kate Santoro, BS

Kate has a BS in journalism. She has taught English as a second language in Spain to students of all ages for a decade. She also has experience in content management and marketing.