How long is a block quote in MLA?

A block quote in MLA is five or more lines of prose on your page or four or more lines of poetry from the page where the poem was published.

To determine if you need block format for long quotations of prose, type the quotation in your document. If it’s more than four lines, use MLA block quote format:

MLA block quote example
According to an Architectural Digest article, Dolly Parton’s influence is so profound that scientists have named a lichen after her.
The Dolly Parton lichen can be found on branches of trees and shrubs at middle to high elevations in the Appalachians from Maine to Georgia. J. dollypartoniana lacks the endearing showiness of its namesake; it resembles an undersized, undercooked oatmeal raisin cookie. The specimens Lendemer and Allen were looking at were several centimeters in diameter, but J. dollypartoniana can form colonies a few meters across. (Casey 74)

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