How do you cite a PDF in Chicago style?

To cite a PDF in Chicago style, write a footnote for each sentence that quotes, summarizes, or paraphrases the PDF. Also write an entry for the bibliography page at the end of the document.

Chicago PDF citations are a form of Chicago website citations when PDFs are published online. However, the notes should have page numbers because PDFs have numbered pages (which is not the case for many websites).

Each footnote or endnote begins with a number that corresponds to a superscript number at the end of the sentence that quotes, summarizes, or paraphrases.

For the first full note, include the author, PDF title, website name, URL, and the page number where you got the information. If you cite the same PDF after that, write a short note with the author and title, which you can shorten if it’s more than four words.

The bibliography entry includes the author, PDF title, website name, and URL.

In both the bibliography and the first full note, use italics for the PDF title.

Chicago PDF citation examples
Bibliography example 

Thomas, Paul. The Science of Reading Movement: The Never-Ending Debate and the Need for a Different Approach to Reading Instruction. National Education Policy Center. September, 2022.

Chicago full note example
8. Paul Thomas, The Science of Reading Movement: The Never-Ending Debate and the Need for a Different Approach to Reading Instruction, National Education Policy Center, September, 2022,
Chicago short note example 
10. Thomas, Science of Reading.

QuillBot’s free Citation Generator can help you create clear and accurate Chicago PDF citations.