How do you pronounce the seasons in Spanish?
The seasons in Spanish are pronounced:
- primavera (spring): pree-mah-veh-rah
- verano (summer): veh-rah-noh
- otoño (autumn): oh-toe-nyoh
- invierno (winter): een-vee-er-noh
The seasons in Spanish are pronounced:
“Día laborable” is one way to say “weekday” in Spanish. Like all the days of the week in Spanish, the phrase “dia laborable” is considered masculine.
No, the seasons in Spanish are not capitalized unless they are used at the start of a sentence (e.g., “El verano es una estación muy soleada”).
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“Season” in Spanish can be either temporada (“tem-poh-rah-dah”) or estación (e.g., “ehs-tah-see-ohn”).
“Temporada” is typically used when referring to a general period of time. For example, “the season of love” is “la temporada del amor.”
When referring to the seasons of the year, the correct phrase is “las estaciones del año.” However, when referring to one season, the correct word is “estación” (e.g., “El verano es mi estación favorita”).
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The word month in Spanish is mes, while months (plural) is meses.
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The months in Spanish, in order, are:
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One way to say you’re welcome in Spanish formally is “a la orden,” which means “at your service.”
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One way to say you’re welcome in Spanish is “de nada.” Because Spanish is a gendered language, “amigo” is the word to use when referring to a male friend, while “amiga” refers to a female friend. Therefore, “you’re welcome my friend” in Spanish can be “de nada amigo” or “de nada amiga.”
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Adiós mi amor is how to say goodbye my love in Spanish.
Please note that there are many ways to say goodbye in Spanish, including “hasta luego.” Therefore, another way to say “goodbye my love” in Spanish is “hasta luego mi amor.”
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One way to say goodbye in Spanish is “adiós.” Because Spanish is a gendered language, “amigo” is used when referring to a male friend, while “amiga” is used when referring to a female friend.
Therefore, goodbye my friend in Spanish can be either adiós amigo or adios amiga, depending on the recipient.
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“Miércoles” and “sábado” are the only days of the week in Spanish that include an accent.
“Miércoles” (with an accent over the “e”) is pronounced “mee-air-coh-lehs.”
“Sábado” (with an accent over the “a”) is pronounced “saa-baa-doh.”
“Buenos días” is how you say “good morning” in Spanish. While there are many ways to say “nice to meet you in Spanish, “mucho gusto” is the simplest. Therefore, “buenos días, mucho gusto” is one way to say “Good morning. Nice to meet you,” in Spanish.
“Sí, señora” is how to say “yes ma’am” in Spanish.
Please note that “sí” is a direct translation of “yes” in Spanish, but there are many other phrases that can be used.
“Sí tú puedes” is how to say “yes you can” in Spanish.
Remember that yes in Spanish is spelled “sí” (with an accent).
“Hola” (pronounced “oh-laa”) means “hi” or “hello” in Spanish, while “cómo estás” (pronounced “ko-mo-ehs-taas”) is one of the most common ways to say “how are you” in Spanish.
Therefore, “Hola, ¿cómo estás?” is how to say “Hi, how are you?” in Spanish.
“¿Cómo te va?” (pronounced “ko-mo-teh-vaa”) is a casual way to say “how are you doing” or “how are you” in Spanish (e.g., “¿Cómo te va, amigo?”)
“Buenos días, ¿cómo estás?” is how to say “good morning, how are you” in Spanish.
“Buenos días” (pronounced “boo-eh-nos-dee-aas”) means “good morning,” while “cómo estás” (pronounced “ko-mo-ehs-taas”) is one of many ways to say “how are you” in Spanish.
Te quiero, mi amor and te amo, mi amor are two ways to say “I love you, my love” in Spanish.
Keep in mind that there are numerous phrases that can be used to say I love you in Spanish.
A few ways to say I love you in Spanish to a girl include:
There are many ways to say I love you in Spanish to a boyfriend, including:
Keep in mind that “te quiero” and “te amo” are two different ways to say “I love you” in Spanish. “Te quiero” can be used with friends, family, and romantic partners, whereas “te amo” is typically only used romantically, depending on the region.
“Te quiero” or “Te amo” are two ways to say I love you in Spanish, and “más” means “more.” Therefore, te quiero más and te amo más are two ways to say “I love you more” in Spanish.
“Hola, gusto en conocerte” is how you say “hello, nice to meet you” in Spanish. However, keep in mind that there are several ways to express “nice to meet you” in Spanish.