Seasons in Spanish | Order & Pronunciation

The seasons in Spanish are:

  • primavera (spring): pronounced “pree-mah-veh-rah”
  • verano (summer): pronounced “veh-rah-noh”
  • otoño (autumn): pronounced “oh-toe-nyoh”
  • invierno (winter): pronounced “een-vee-ehr-no”

It’s important to note that many Spanish-speaking countries, particularly those in the tropics, categorize the seasons into two: “estación seca” (dry season, sometimes also known as “verano”) and “estación lluviosa” (rainy season, sometimes also known as “invierno”).

Additionally, the seasons and the months they occur in can vary significantly across Spanish-speaking countries due to their geographic locations.

In Spanish, the seasons are typically preceded by the definite articles “el” or “la,” depending on which is being referred to. “Verano,” “otoño,” and “invierno” are considered masculine nouns and are therefore accompanied by “el” (e.g., “el verano”). “Primavera” is considered a feminine noun and is therefore accompanied by “la” (e.g., “la primavera”).

Keep in mind that definite articles are not always necessary. The seasons in Spanish can also be preceded by prepositions like “de” or “en” (e.g., “En primavera, las flores florecen”) or by a form of the verb “ser,” which means “to be” (e.g., “Le dije que es primavera todavía, no verano”).

Spring in Spanish

Spring in Spanish is primavera (pronounced “pree-mah-veh-rah”). Because “primavera” is a feminine noun, it is typically preceded by the definite article “la” (e.g., “La primavera es la estación más bonita del año”).

Primavera in a sentence examples
La nieve se derrite y las flores florecen durante la primavera.
[The snow melts and flowers bloom during spring.]

Cada primavera hago un viaje a casa de mis abuelos.
[Every spring I take a trip to my grandparents’ house.]

Llegué en primavera y me fui en invierno.
[I arrived in spring and left in winter.]

Summer in Spanish

Summer in Spanish is verano (pronounced “veh-rah-noh”).

“Verano” is a masculine noun, meaning it is usually preceded by the definite article “el” (e.g., “Llueve mucho durante el verano”). However, like the rest of the seasons in Spanish, “verano” can also be accompanied by certain prepositions (e.g., “En verano me iré a Australia”).

Verano in a sentence examples
Este verano, voy a la playa todos los días.
[This summer, I’m going to the beach every day.]

No soporto el verano porque es muy húmedo.
[I can’t stand summer because it’s too humid.]

En Suecia, los veranos pueden ser frescos y ventosos.
[In Sweden, the summers can be cool and breezy.]

Autumn in Spanish

Autumn (or fall) in Spanish is otoño (pronounced “oh-toe-nyoh”). It is considered a masculine noun, meaning it’s usually preceded by the definite article “el,” although it can also be used without an article in certain contexts (e.g., “Otoño es mi estación preferida”).

Otoño in a sentence examples
Las calabazas y las manzanas son algunos de los productos típicos del otoño.
[Pumpkins and apples are some of the typical autumn produce.]

En otoño, muchos animales se preparan para el invierno.
[In autumn, many animals prepare for winter.]

Con la llegada del otoño, las temperaturas comienzan a descender gradualmente.
[With the arrival of autumn, temperatures begin to gradually decrease.]

Winter in Spanish

Winter in Spanish is invierno (pronounced “een-vee-ehr-no”). Like “verano” (summer) and “otoño” (autumn), “invierno” is considered a masculine noun and is therefore often preceded by “el” (e.g., “El invierno en Canadá es muy largo y frío”).

Keep in mind that similar to the rest of the seasons, “invierno” can also be preceded by certain prepositions or forms of “ser,” which means “to be” (e.g., “Me encanta el frío, por eso disfruto del invierno”).

Invierno in a sentence examples
El invierno es la estación más fría del año.
[Winter is the coldest season of the year.]

Los días son cortos en invierno.
[Days are short in winter.]

La Navidad es una fiesta del invierno.
[Christmas is a winter holiday.]

Frequently asked questions about seasons in Spanish

How do you say season in Spanish?

“Season” in Spanish can be either temporada (“tem-poh-rah-dah”) or estación (e.g., “ehs-tah-see-ohn”).

“Temporada” is typically used when referring to a general period of time. For example, “the season of love” is “la temporada del amor.”

When referring to the seasons of the year, the correct phrase is “las estaciones del año.” However, when referring to one season, the correct word is “estación” (e.g., “El verano es mi estación favorita”).

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Are seasons capitalized in Spanish?

No, the seasons in Spanish are not capitalized unless they are used at the start of a sentence (e.g., “El verano es una estación muy soleada”).

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How do you pronounce the seasons in Spanish?

The seasons in Spanish are pronounced:

  • primavera (spring): pree-mah-veh-rah
  • verano (summer): veh-rah-noh
  • otoño (autumn): oh-toe-nyoh
  • invierno (winter): een-vee-er-noh
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Gina Rancaño, BA

Gina holds a Bachelor of Arts in English, as well as a certificate in professional and public writing from Florida International University. When she’s not writing, she spends her time reading.