What are common types of fallacies in research?

Common types of fallacies, or errors in reasoning, that are found in research include the following:

  • Correlation/causation fallacy: The mistaken assumption that a correlation (e.g., two events happening at the same time) implies a cause-and-effect relationship
  • Ecological fallacy: Drawing conclusions about an individual’s characteristics by relying on collective data for a group
  • The base-rate fallacy: Overlooking important statistical data, like the general frequency of an event, and focusing on less significant details, such as an isolated case
  • Hasty generalization fallacy: Drawing broad conclusions based on insufficient or biased evidence
  • Straw man fallacy: Misrepresenting or exaggerating an opponent’s argument to make it easier to attack
  • False dilemma fallacy: Presenting only two options as if they were the only possibilities