When should I cite a book chapter in MLA?

Cite a book chapter in MLA when each chapter has a different author listed in the table of contents and/or on the first page of each chapter.

In MLA book citations for chapters in edited books, include the chapter author and a page range in each in-text citation (Smith 234). In the Works Cited entry, include the following details.

Name, First and Middle (if the middle name is part of the byline). “Chapter/Story/Essay/Poem Title.” Book Title, edited by Editor’s Name(s), nth ed., vol. x, Publisher, Year, Page range.

(An edition or volume number before the page range is only necessary if the book has multiple editions/volumes.)

MLA book chapter citation example
Roy, Ashok, and Kogan, Cary S. “Disorders of Intellectual Development and Developmental Learning Disorder.” A Psychological Approach to Diagnosis: Using the ICD-11 as a Framework, edited by Geoffrey M. Reed et al., American Psychological Association, 2024, pp. 41-60.

You can also use QuillBot’s free Citation Generator to create Works Cited entries and in-text citations for chapters in edited books.