When should I include a DOI or URL in an APA citation?

The following guidelines will help you correctly include a DOI or URL in APA style journal article citations or APA book citations

DOIs and URLs are sometimes necessary in reference entries but never in in-text citations.

For all sources that have DOIs, put the DOI at the end of the reference entry. The DOI should be a hyperlink that readers can follow for more details about the publication.

If a DOI isn’t listed on the source, you can usually search for the DOI online. If you confirm that a source doesn’t have a DOI, you can omit it from the references entry.

Only include a URL (in place of a DOI) for journal articles that don’t have DOIs and that you accessed on the journal’s homepage.

QuillBot’s free Citation Generator can help you use DOIs and URLs correctly in your APA reference entries.