Regards | Meaning, Examples & Alternatives
Regards is an expression used to close an email or other types of correspondence. It shows respect to the recipient and wishes them well. Regards should be followed by a comma and your name on a separate line.
Regards can be used as part of a number of phrases to sign off in an email. Other versions of this expression can be used for more formal or less formal situations.
I am reaching out in relation to your request for papers on criminal law. I have several potential submissions that may meet your criteria.
Please let me know at your earliest convenience which specific topics you are interested in.
Ella Mori
Kindest regards
Kindest regards (or kind regards) wishes the recipient well while maintaining a professional and semiformal tone. This expression is suitable for emails introducing yourself or emails to people you don’t have an established relationship with. It can also be used in emails to people in a higher position.
We are writing to inform you that we will be performing fire drill procedures on the morning of April 14. Personnel will be on site to test the relevant equipment.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
Kindest regards,
The Housing Association
Though “kindly” is both an adverb and an adjective, the adjective “kind” (or the superlative “kindest”) should be used in this expression.
Best regards
Best regards is similar to “kindest regards” but has a slightly more familiar tone. It is suitable for both personal emails as well as emails to coworkers you have a relationship with.
I hope this email finds you well.
I wanted to touch base with you about the position you were interested in at my new company. Would you have time for a quick meeting later this week?
Best regards,
Nala Karim
Warm regards
Warm regards (or warmest regards) is more familiar than kind regards or best regards, but it is still appropriate for professional settings. It can be used in emails to colleagues you know well or for friends and family. It is better avoided in emails to people you are less familiar with.
How are things going?
I have been thinking of you lately and wondered if you would be free to meet for a coffee sometime next week. It would be lovely to catch up.
Let me know when you would have time to meet.
Warm regards,
Frequently asked questions about regards
- What is a synonym of regards?
Synonyms and alternatives to regards include:
- Kind(est) regards
- Warm regards
- Best regards
- Yours truly
- Sincerely
- Sincerely yours
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- What does kind regards mean?
Kind regards (or kindest regards) is used to end an email or other forms of correspondence. It is semiformal and suitable for professional contexts.
Kind regards is slightly less formal than “sincerely yours” and “yours truly,” but it has a slightly more formal tone than “warm regards.”
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