What Does Albeit Mean? | Meaning & Examples

Albeit is a conjunction with a meaning similar to “although” or “even though.” It comes from the three words “all,” “be,” and “it,” but it is always written as one word.

Albeit introduces a subordinate or dependent clause that qualifies (i.e., tells us more about) the information contained in the main clause.

Examples: Albeit in a sentence
The movie was entertaining, albeit a bit predictable.

The hike was challenging, albeit rewarding.

There have been some technical difficulties, albeit minor ones, during the launch.

We abided by the rules, albeit with a few creative interpretations.

Albeit vs although

Very often, albeit can be used interchangeably with “although,” but this isn’t always the case.

Albeit always modifies another clause, so it’s not possible to use it in an independent clause. An independent clause can stand alone as a sentence, and “although” can be used in an independent clause.

Examples: Albeit vs although
  • Jim was late for the meeting, albeit/although only by a few minutes.
  • Jim was late for the meeting, although it was only by a few minutes.
  • Jim was late for the meeting, albeit it was only by a few minutes.

Albeit vs howbeit

Howbeit is also a conjunction meaning “although.” It is also an adverb that means “nevertheless.” When used as a conjunction, howbeit is often interchangeable with albeit.

There is one significant difference, though: like “although,” howbeit can be used in an independent clause.

However, if you do use howbeit, you will probably seem quite old-fashioned, as it is rarely used in modern English.

Examples: Albeit vs howbeit
  • I used to play the guitar, albeit/howbeit many years ago.
  • Howbeit I used to play guitar, it was many years ago.
  • Albeit I used to play guitar, it was many years ago.

Frequently asked questions about albeit

What is a synonym for albeit?

There are several synonyms or near synonyms for albeit. Depending on the context, they include:

  • Although
  • Though
  • But
  • Howbeit
  • While
  • Even though

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How do I pronounce albeit?

Albeit is a three-syllable word with the emphasis on the second syllable: [awl-bee-it].

Some people mistakenly write “I’ll be it,” because they pronounce “I’ll” the same as the first syllable of albeit. This should be avoided because it is incorrect.

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How do I use albeit in a sentence?

Albeit is a conjunction with a meaning similar to “although,” “but,” or “even though.” It is made up from the three words “all,” “be,” and “it,” but it is always written as one word.

“Albeit” is used to introduce a subordinate clause or a dependent clause that tells us more about the main clause (e.g., “The novel was an interesting read, albeit rather long”).

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Trevor Marshall, MSc

Trevor has a BA in English Literature & Language and an MSc in Applied Social Studies. He has been a teacher for 25 years, with 15 years experience teaching ESL alongside 1st language students.