Bear With Me | Meaning & Examples

Bear with me is a way of asking someone to be patient with you. It can stand on its own, if the reason for patience is already known. More typically it will be followed by a subordinating conjunction (e.g., “while” or “as”) introducing the reason you are asking for patience.

Bear with me in a sentence example
Bear with me; I’m just dealing with a customer.

I see the problem with your account; can you bear with me while I see if I can fix it?

We have had hundreds of applications, so please bear with us as we work through them.

Is it bear with me or bare with me?

“Bare with me” is a common mistake people make when they mean bear with me. It sounds the same but is incorrect and should not be used.

In the phrase bear with me, “bear” is a verb that means “endure” or “carry.” It isn’t the noun with the same spelling and pronunciation that refers to the animal. Usually, “bare” is an adjective meaning “uncovered,” and it can also be a verb meaning “uncover.” That meaning would not make sense in this phrase.

Bear with me or bare with me example
  • Please bear with me while I get your table ready.
  • Please bare with me while I get your table ready.
As well as keeping the difference between bear and bare clear, it is important to be mindful of the two different past participles of bear: born and borne. The correct past participle of bear in this sense is borne. Born as a past participle relates to when bear is used to refer to “bear a child.”

Please bear with me

The addition of “please” makes the phrase more polite, but the meaning of please bear with me remains the same as the basic saying. You can also phrase it as a question to soften the effect even more.

Please bear with me example
Please bear with me as we’re having some difficulties with the system today.

I wonder if you could bear with me just for a moment, please?

Bearing with me

If you want to thank someone for their past or ongoing patience, you can use bearing with me. It has the same meaning but uses the gerund or present participle “bearing.”

Bearing with me example
You’ve been very patient. Thank you for bearing with me.

You have been bearing with me through this whole process, for which I’m very grateful!

Bear with us

If you are representing multiple people, using a plural pronoun in the phrase bear with us also works.

Bear with us example
Bear with us! We’re working as fast as we can!

Frequently asked questions about bear with me

What are some synonyms for bear with me?

There are a number of synonyms for bear with me, including:

  • Just a moment
  • (Please) wait
  • (Please) be patient
  • (Please) stand by
  • (Please) hold on

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What does please bear with me mean?

Please bear with me is a polite way of asking for someone’s patience (e.g., “Please bear with me as I find your records”). “Bear” here is a verb that means “carry” or “endure.” It is often followed by a conjunction (e.g., “while” or “as”).

It is sometimes incorrectly spelled “bare” but this is a completely different word and is incorrect.

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What is the meaning of bare with me?

“Bare with me” is an incorrect spelling of the phrase bear with me. Although “bare” can be a verb (meaning “uncover”), it does not make sense here. The correct verb here is “bear,” and it means “endure” or “carry.”

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Trevor Marshall, MSc

Trevor has a BA in English Literature & Language and an MSc in Applied Social Studies. He has been a teacher for 25 years, with 15 years experience teaching ESL alongside 1st language students.