Days of The Week in Spanish | Pronunciations & Order

The days of the week in Spanish are:

  • lunes (Monday)
  • martes (Tuesday)
  • miércoles (Wednesday)
  • jueves (Thursday)
  • viernes (Friday)
  • sábado (Saturday)
  • domingo (Sunday)

Spanish is a gendered language, meaning that all nouns are considered either masculine or feminine, and the days of the week in Spanish are all masculine (e.g., “el martes”).

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Days of the week in Spanish

Lunes, martes, miércoles, jueves, viernes, sábado, and domingo are the days of the week in Spanish. Because all days are considered masculine, they’re typically preceded by “el” (e.g., “el viernes”), “los” (e.g., “los viernes”), or  “un” (e.g., “un viernes”). However, they can also be referred to with the word “este” (e.g., “este viernes”).

The days of the week in Spanish
Weekday Pronunciation Example


loo-nehs Nos vemos el lunes.

[See you on Monday.]



maar-tehs ¿Cómo estás? Pensé que te iba a ver el martes.

[How are you? I thought I was going to see you on Tuesday.]



mee-air-coh-lehs Recogeré a mi hermana del aeropuerto este miércoles.

[I’ll pick up my sister from the airport this Wednesday.]



hooeh-ves El jueves, vamos a salir todos a cenar.

[On Thursday, we’re all going out to dinner.]



veeair-nehs Me encanta cuando mi cumpleaños cae en un viernes.

[I love it when my birthday falls on a Friday.]



saa-baa-doh A mí me gusta descansar los sábados.

[I like to rest on Saturdays.]



doh-meen-go Voy a la iglesia todos los domingos.

[I go to church every Sunday.]

Are the days of the week capitalized in Spanish?

In English, the days of the week are always capitalized because they’re considered proper nouns. In Spanish, the days of the week are never capitalized, unless at the beginning of a sentence (e.g., “Lunes es el primer dia de la semana”) or when used in a title.

  • Cumplo 37 años este domingo. [I turn 37 years old this Sunday.]
  • Cumplo 37 años este Domingo.
  • Miércoles es mi día favorito de la semana. [Wednesdays are my favorite day of the week.]
  • miércoles es mi día favorito de la semana.

Pluralizing the days of the week in Spanish

The days of the week in Spanish are made plural by changing the preceding article from “el” to “los.” For example, “el lunes” refers to one Monday, whereas “los lunes” refers to multiple Mondays.

However, the plural noun forms of sábado (i.e., Saturday) and domingo (i.e., Sunday) also require an “-s” at the end of the word (e.g., “los domingos”).

Spanish pluralizes nouns by adding “-s” or “-es.” But because “lunes,” “martes,” “miércoles,” “jueves,” and “viernes” already end in this manner, only “sábado” and “domingo” need to have an “-s” added.

Examples of pluralizing the days of the week in Spanish
Visito a mi abuela los lunes. [I visit my grandma on Mondays.]

Los viernes es cuando más trabajo. [Fridays are when I work the most.]

Los sábados y domingos son muy bonitos para mí porque puedo pasar tiempo con mi familia. [Saturdays and Sundays are very pleasant for me because I spend time with my family.]

Useful phrases for the days of the week in Spanish

The phrases in the table below are commonly used when referring to the days of the week in Spanish.

Useful Spanish phrases
Phrase Meaning Example
¿Qué día es hoy? What day is it? ¡Hola! ¿Qué día es hoy?

[Hello! What day is it?]

Hoy es Today is Hoy es domingo.

[Today is Sunday.]

Mañana es Tomorrow is Mañana es lunes.

[Tomorrow is Monday.]

Pasado mañana The day after tomorrow Me voy pasado mañana.

[I’m leaving the day after tomorrow.]

Ayer Yesterday Ayer me dormí temprano.

[Yesterday I fell asleep early.]

Anteayer The day before yesterday Anteayer llovió mucho.

[It rained a lot the day before yesterday.]

Frequently asked questions about the days of the week in Spanish

Which days of the week in Spanish get accents?

“Miércoles” and “sábado” are the only days of the week in Spanish that include an accent.

“Miércoles” (with an accent over the “e”) is pronounced “mee-air-coh-lehs.”

“Sábado” (with an accent over the “a”) is pronounced “saa-baa-doh.”

How do you say weekday in Spanish?

“Día laborable” is one way to say “weekday” in Spanish. Like all the days of the week in Spanish, the phrase “dia laborable” is considered masculine.

  • ¡Qué raro que viniste a visitarme en un día laborable!
    [How strange that you came to visit me on a weekday!]
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Gina Rancaño, BA

Gina holds a Bachelor of Arts in English, as well as a certificate in professional and public writing from Florida International University. When she’s not writing, she spends her time reading.