Handsome in Spanish | 12 Words & Examples

There are many words that mean handsome in Spanish, including:

  • Guapo
  • Atractivo
  • Bueno
  • Bonito
  • Apuesto
  • Agraciado
  • Bello
  • Majo
  • Lindo
  • Bien-parecido
  • Buenmozo
  • Machazo

In Spanish, the endings of adjectives change to agree in number and gender with the nouns and pronouns they describe. All of the adjectives in the list above are in the masculine, singular form. To make them plural, change the ending to “-os” (e.g., “guapos”).

These words mean handsome in Spanish when they carry the masculine endings. However, they can also be used in the feminine (e.g., “guapa”), which would translate more closely to English as “beautiful” or “pretty.”

A QuillBot Grammar Check can make sure you use these adjectives correctly with respect to gender and number.


“Guapo” (pronounced gwah-poh) is the most common way to say handsome in Spanish throughout the Spanish-speaking world. It also means “good-looking” or “beautiful.” You can use “guapo” to describe people, animals, places, or objects.

You can add the suffix “-isimo” to Spanish adjectives to mean “very.” So, “guapísimo” (pronounced gwah-pee-see-moh) means “very handsome.”

Using guapo to say handsome in Spanish
Jon es un chico guapo. [Jon is a handsome guy.]

Ambos actores son guapísimos. [Both actors are very handsome.]

Creo que el Rottweiler es el perro más guapo del mundo. [I think the Rottweiler is the most beautiful dog in the world.]

In Spanish, the verb “to be” can be translated two ways:

  • “Ser” (pronounced sehr) is used for permanent or inherent qualities, like origin and identity.
  • “Estar” (pronounced eh-star) is used for temporary states or conditions, like emotions or location.

Both verbs can be used with “guapo,” but the meaning is different. For example, “eres guapo” means “you are handsome (always).” On the other hand, “estás guapo” means “you look handsome (now or today).”

Other words for handsome in Spanish

There are different ways to say handsome in Spanish apart from “guapo.” Some of these words are more common in certain parts of the Spanish-speaking world than others.

Other words for handsome in Spanish
Adjective Pronunciation Regional usage Example
Atractivo ah-trahk-tee-voh All Es un hombre atractivo. [He’s a handsome man.]
Bonito boh-nee-toh All Luis es un chico bonito. [Luis is a handsome boy.]
Apuesto ah-pwehs-toh All Hoy Paco está apuesto. [Today, Paco looks handsome.]
Agraciado ah-grah-syah-doh All Alex es un joven agraciado. [Alex is a handsome young man.]
Bello beh-yoh All ¡Qué hombres más bellos! [What handsome men!]
Majo mah-hoh Spain El colega de Lucia que conocí el otro día es majo. [Lucia’s colleague whom I met the other day is handsome.]
Pintón peen-tohn Latin America ¿Cómo se llama el amigo pintón de tu hermana? [What’s the name of your sister’s handsome friend?]
Lindo leen-doh Latin America Tus hijos son muy lindos. [Your sons are very handsome.]
Bien-parecido byehn pah-reh-see-doh Latin America Tu hermano es bien-parecido. [Your brother is handsome.]
Buenmozo bwehn-moh-soh Argentina, Uruguay, Chile, Peru, Venezuela, Dominican Republic Me gusta León, es buenmozo. [I like León, he’s handsome.]
Machazo mah-chah-soh Nicaragua, Cuba, and Dominican Republic Tomás es veramente machazo. [Tómas is truly handsome.]
Some of these words have alternative meanings depending on context or region:

  • “Agraciado” can mean “charming.”
  • “Pintón” can mean “ripening” when talking about fruit.
  • “Bonito” as a noun is a type of fish similar to tuna.
  • “Machazo” can mean “brave” or “strong.”
  • “Majo” can mean “nice” or “pleasant.” When used as a noun, “un majo” is “a dandy.”

If you use these words, people should understand from the context of your sentence when you mean handsome in Spanish. But, when in doubt, use “guapo,” which won’t be misconstrued.

Frequently asked questions about handsome in Spanish

What’s the opposite of guapo?

The adjective “guapo” (pronounced gwah-poh) means handsome in Spanish.

The opposite of “guapo” is “feo” (pronounced fay-oh), which means “ugly.”

QuillBot’s free Paraphraser can help you find other Spanish words that are the opposite of “guapo.”

What does guapo mean?

The adjective “guapo” (pronounced gwah-poh) means “good-looking” or handsome in Spanish. It’s used to describe masculine nouns and pronouns.

For example:

  • Él es guapo. [He is handsome.]
  • Ese es un caballo guapo. [That’s a handsome horse.]
  • ¡Qué coche más guapo! [What a good-looking car!]

In Spanish, adjectives must agree in gender and number with the words they describe.

A QuillBot Grammar Check can make sure you’re using adjectives like “guapo” correctly.

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Kate Santoro, BS

Kate has a BS in journalism. She has taught English as a second language in Spain to students of all ages for a decade. She also has experience in content management and marketing.