I Miss You in Spanish | 3 Phrases & Examples

I miss you in Spanish can be:

  • Te echo de menos
  • Te extraño
  • Me haces falta

The best way to say I miss you in Spanish depends on the context in which you’re communicating.

I miss you in Spanish

There are nuanced differences between the ways to say I miss you in Spanish.

Te echo de menos

Te echo de menos (teh eh-choh deh meh-nohs) is one way to say I miss you in Spanish. This phrase is the standard option in Spain, but it is not as commonly used in Latin America.

“Te” is the object pronoun “you.” “Echo” is the first-person singular conjugation of the verb “echar” [“to throw”]. “De menos” is a prepositional phrase that means “missing.” Even though this phrase translates literally as “I throw you missing,” it means I miss you in Spanish.

“Te echo de menos” is the singular, formal option. If you’d like to address someone in a different context, you need to modify the phrase slightly.

Modifying te echo de menos to say I miss you in Spanish
Phrase Pronunciation Singular or plural Formal or informal Regional usage
Lo/la echo de menos loh/lah eh-choh deh meh-nohs Singular Formal All
Os echo de menos ohs eh-choh deh meh-nohs Plural Informal Spain
Los/las echo de menos lohs/las eh-choh deh meh-nohs Plural Formal or informal Spain (formal)

Latin America (both)

The direct object pronoun “lo” is used to address one male; “la” is used to address one female.

“Los” is used to address various males, and “las” is used to address various females. For mixed-gender groups, use “los.”

You may also hear these phrases used with the indirect object pronouns “le” and “les.” This is quite common in Spain, where people tend to speak with “leísmo.” In other words, they use indirect object pronouns when, grammatically, direct object pronouns should be used.

So if you’re in Spain, people might say “le echo de menos”—and others will understand—but the grammatically correct phrase is “lo echo de menos.”

A QuillBot Grammar Check can make sure you use these phrases correctly.

Te extraño

“Te extraño” (pronounced teh eks-trah-nyoh) also means I miss you in Spanish. It’s the more popular option in Latin America, but it’s not often heard in Spain.

“Extraño” comes from the verb “extrañar,” which means “to miss.”

“Te extraño” is the informal singular option. When communicating in other contexts, modify the phrase accordingly.

Modifying te extraño to say I miss you in Spanish 
Phrase Pronunciation Singular or plural Formal or informal Regional usage
Lo/la extraño loh/lah eks-trah-nyoh Singular Formal All
Os extraño ohs eks-trah-nyoh Plural Informal Spain
Los/las extraño lohs/lahs eks-trah-nyoh Plural Formal or informal Spain (formal)

Latin America (both)

Me haces falta

“Me haces falta” (pronounced meh ah-sehs fahl-tah) is the third way to say I miss you in Spanish. This phrase is used throughout the Spanish-speaking world and is appropriate for intimate, emotional relationships.

“Me” is the personal pronoun “me” used as an object. “Haces falta” is the second-person conjugation of the phrasal verb “hacer falta” [“to be necessary”].

This phrase translates literally as “You are necessary to me.” While Spanish speakers understand it to mean I miss you, its literal translation helps convey the sentiment behind this phrase—to miss someone so much that they are necessary to your being.

Given the intimacy implied by this phrase, it wouldn’t be appropriate to use it in formal contexts. For the plural:

  • Use “me hacéis falta” (pronounced meh ah-seys fahl-tah) if you’re in Spain.
  • Use “me hacen falta” (pronounced meh ah-sehn fahl-tah) if you’re in Latin America.
Saying I miss you in Spanish
¡Te echo de menos, mamá! ¡Te quiero! Besos desde Madrid. [I miss you, Mom! I love you! Kisses from Madrid.]

Los extraño, hijos. Que tengan un buen día. [I miss you, my children. Have a good day.]

Me haces falta, Alejandro. Necesito verte, ¿Dónde estás? [I miss you, Alejandro. I need to see you; where are you?]

I miss you so much in Spanish

If you’d like to say I miss you so much in Spanish, you just have to add one word to a phrase for I miss you in Spanish.

“So much” can be translated as “tanto” (pronounced tahn-toh), “mucho” (pronounced mooh-choh), or “cuánto” (pronounced kwahn-toh).

Where you insert “so much” depends on which translation you choose.

Saying I miss you so much in Spanish
I miss you in Spanish I miss you so much in Spanish
Using “tanto” Using “mucho” Using “cuánto”
Te echo de menos Te echo tanto de menos. Te echo mucho de menos. Cuánto te echo de menos.
Te extraño Te extraño tanto. Te extraño mucho. Cuánto te extraño.
Me haces falta Me haces tanta falta. Me haces mucha falta. Cuánta falta me haces.

I will miss you in Spanish

If you want to express I will miss you in Spanish, you have to change the verb in each phrase to the future tense.

Saying I will miss you in Spanish
I miss you in Spanish I will miss you in Spanish Pronunciation of future
Te echo de menos Te echaré de menos teh eh-chah-rey deh meh-nohs
Te extraño Te extrañaré teh eks-trah-nyah-rey
Me haces falta Me harás falta meh ah-rahs fahl-tah

You could also express these using the near future tense, which uses “voy a” (pronounced boy ah). For example, “Voy a echarte de menos” means “I’m going to miss you.” For the other phrases, use “Voy a extrañarte” or “Me vas a hacer falta.”

I miss you already in Spanish

If you want to say I miss you already in Spanish, you only have to add the adverb “ya” (pronounced yah), which means “already.”

Saying I miss you already in Spanish
I miss you in Spanish I already miss you in Spanish
Te echo de menos Ya te echo de menos
Te extraño Ya te extraño
Me haces falta Ya me haces falta

I miss you too in Spanish

If someone tells you that they miss you, you might want to reply with I miss you too in Spanish.

To do this, you have to add one or two components to the phrases for I miss you in Spanish:

  • The subject pronoun “yo” (pronounced you), meaning “I”
  • The adverb “también” (pronounced tahm-byehn), meaning “also”
Saying I miss you too in Spanish
I miss you in Spanish I already miss you in Spanish
Te echo de menos Yo también te echo de menos
Te extraño Yo también te extraño
Me haces falta También me haces falta

Frequently asked questions about I miss you in Spanish

What’s the meaning of te extraño?

“Te extraño” (teh eks-trah-nyoh) means I miss you in Spanish.

This is an informal phrase. For the formal version, use “lo extraño” for masculine nouns and pronouns and “la extraño” for feminine ones.

This phrase is common in Latin America, but it’s not common in Spain.

QuillBot’s free Translator can help you translate phrases like this from Spanish to English.

What’s the meaning of echar?

“Echar” (eh-chahr) is a Spanish verb that can mean:

  • To throw
  • To toss
  • To kick out
  • To fire (from a job)
  • To drop
  • To pour
  • To apply
  • To emit
  • To lean

“Echar” can also be used with prepositions, adjectives, adverbs, nouns, and other verbs to communicate other meanings.

For example, “te echo de menos” means I miss you in Spanish. “Eché a correr” means “I began to run.”

QuillBot’s Grammar Checker can make sure you use this Spanish verb correctly in context.

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Kate Santoro, BS

Kate has a BS in journalism. She has taught English as a second language in Spain to students of all ages for a decade. She also has experience in content management and marketing.