I Love You in Spanish | 7 Phrases & Examples

There are several ways to say I love you in Spanish.

  1. Te quiero (I love you)
  2. Te amo (I love you)
  3. Te adoro (I adore you)
  4. Estoy enamorado/a de ti (I’m in love with you)
  5. Me gustas mucho (I like you very much)
  6. Eres el amor de mi vida (You’re the love of my life)
  7. Estoy loco/a por ti (I’m crazy for you)

“Te quiero” (pronounced “teh-kyeh-rro”) is the simplest way to say “I love you” in Spanish. Although it’s more casual than other phrases, it can be used when talking to friends, family, or a romantic partner (e.g., “Te quiero mucho, hermano”).

Additionally, “te quiero” works whether it is being used by a man or a woman. Because Spanish is a gendered language, some of the phrases listed above have to be modified depending on the context (similar to the many ways of saying “nice to meet you” in Spanish).

For example, “estoy enamorado de ti” means “I’m in love with you,” but the phrase can only be used by a man. If a woman were using it, she would have to say, “estoy enamorada de ti.”

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In Spanish, some people use the letter “e” in nouns or adjectives as a more inclusive and nonbinary approach to writing. For example, instead of saying “ellos” (referring to a group of only men or a group of men and women) or “ellas” (referring to a group of women), some people use the term “elles” to avoid specifying gender.

However, the gender inclusive use of “e” in place of “o” or “a” is not officially recognized  and might lead to mixed reactions, as some people believe that the language should maintain the traditional spelling and grammar conventions that make it unique.

Te quiero

“Te quiero” literally translates to “I want you,” but it is a common way to say “I love you” in Spanish. It’s a casual and light phrase that can be used with friends, family, romantic partners, or anyone else you love.

You can slightly modify the phrase by saying, “Te quiero mucho” or “Te quiero muchísimo,” which are similar to saying “I love you so much” and “I love you very much.”

Examples: Using te quiero to say I love you in Spanish
Hablamos pronto. Te quiero.
[Talk soon. I love you.]

Te quiero mucho, Michael! Eres mi mejor amigo.
[I love you so much, Michael! You’re my best friend.]

¡Cómo te quiero! No puedo esperar a verte.
[How I love you! I can’t wait to see you.]

Te amo

“Te amo” (pronounced “teh-aah-mo”) means “I love you” in Spanish. Compared to “te quiero,” “te amo” is more formal and profound. It’s often reserved for romantic relationships.

However, the use can vary by region, as some countries also use “te amo” among family members. If you’re unsure which phrase to use, we’d recommend using “te quiero” platonically and “te amo” romantically.

Additionally, you can add “mucho” or “muchísimo” to this phrase to say “I love you so much” or “I love you very much” in Spanish.

Examples: Using te amo to say I love you in Spanish
Feliz aniversario, Mariela. Te amo.
[Happy anniversary, Mariela. I love you.]

Te amo mucho, Sasha. Gracias por todo.
[I love you so much, Sasha. Thanks for everything.]

Te amo y me alegro de que nos hayamos conocido.
[I love you, and I’m so glad we met.]

Te adoro

“Te adoro” (pronounced “teh-aah-doh-rro”) is another way to say “I love you” in Spanish, although it literally translates to “I adore you.”

Similar to using “adore” in English, in Spanish, “adoro” means “to love and respect someone deeply.” Therefore, “te adoro” is often used for romantic partners but can also be used with anyone you love dearly.

You can also add “mucho” and “muchísimo” to this phrase to say “I love/adore you so much” and “I love/adore you very much.”

Examples: Using te adoro to say I love you in Spanish
Te adoro, Alexandra. ¡Eres lo mejor que me ha pasado en mi vida!
[I adore you, Alexandra. You’re the best thing that’s ever happened in my life!]

¡Claro que te adoro con todo lo que tengo!
[Of course I adore you with everything I have!]

Te adoro más y más todos los días.
[I adore you more and more every day.]

The use of “te” in “te quiero,” “te amo,” “te adoro” is considered casual and informal. The formal variants of this phrase use “lo,” “los,” “la,” and “las,” depending on the recipient(s).

Use of lo, los, la, and las to change the meaning of I love you phrases in Spanish
Phrase Use Example
Lo quiero

Lo amo

Lo adoro

Used with a singular man who is older than you or with whom you want to convey respect ¡Lo quiero, tío Samuel!

[I love you, Uncle Samuel!]

Los quiero

Los amo

Los adoro

Used with a group of men or a group of both men and women Los amo, primos.

[I love you, cousins.]

La quiero

La amo

La adoro

Used with a singular woman who is older than you or with whom you want to convey respect La adoro, abuelita Sandra.

[I adore you, Grandma Sandra.]

Las quiero

Las amo

Las adoro

Used with a group of women ¡Las quiero mucho, hermanas!

[I love you so much, sisters!]

Estoy enamorado/a de ti

“Estoy enamorado/a de ti” translates to “I’m in love with you.” Much like in English, this phrase is strictly reserved for expressing romantic love toward someone.

This phrase must be modified depending on the context. A man must use “estoy enamorado de ti” (regardless of who he’s speaking to), while a woman would say “estoy enamorada de ti” (regardless of who she’s speaking to).

Estoy enamorado/a de ti
Phrase Use Example
Estoy enamorado de ti

(Pronounced “ehs-toy-eh-naa-mo-rra-doe-deh-tee”)

Man speaking to a singular man or woman Estoy enamorado de ti, Alexa.

[I’m in love with you, Alexa.]

Estoy enamorada de ti

(Pronounced “ehs-toy-eh-naa-mo-rra-dah-deh-tee”)

Woman speaking to a singular man or woman Obvio que estoy enamorada de ti, René.

[Obviously, I’m in love with you, Rene.]

It should be noted that you shouldn’t add “mucho” or “muchísimo” to the end of this phrase to emphasize your love because it would sound unnatural, much like saying “I’m in love with you so much” sounds awkward (although it’s technically grammatically correct).

Instead, you can say “Estoy muy enamorado/a de ti,” which means “I’m so in love with you” or “I’m very much in love with you.”

Examples: Using estoy muy enamorado/a de ti to say I’m so in love with you in Spanish
  • ¡Estoy muy enamorado de ti y no me importa quién lo sepa!
    [I’m so in love with you, and I don’t care who knows it!]
  • ¡Estoy enamorado de ti mucho y no me importa quién lo sepa!
    [I’m in love with you so much, and I don’t care who knows it!]
  • ¡Estoy enamorado de ti muchísimo y no me importa quién lo sepa!
    [I’m very much in love with you, and I don’t care who knows it!]

Me gustas mucho

“Me gustas mucho” (pronounced “meh-goose-taas-moo-cho”) means “I like you very much” or “I like you a lot” in Spanish. This phrase is typically used in romantic contexts, and it is ideal at the start of a relationship.

“Me gustas mucho” can be used by a man or woman, regardless of the gender of the recipient.

Examples: Using me gustas mucho to say I like you very much in Spanish
Sí. Me gustas mucho, pero solo como una amiga.
[Yes. I like you very much, but only as a friend.]

Sé que me gustas mucho porque no puedo de dejar pensar en ti.
[I know I like you very much because I can’t stop thinking about you.]

Me gustas mucho y quiero saber si quieres ser mi novia.
[I really like you, and I want to know if you want to be my girlfriend.]

Eres el amor de mi vida

“Eres el amor de mi vida” translates to “You’re the love of my life” in Spanish. Like its English counterpart, this expression is often used romantically but can also be used with family members, such as a mother expressing her deep love to her child.

The expression “eres el amor de mi vida” remains the same regardless of the gender of the person using it or the recipient. It can be expressed by both men and women.

Examples: Using eres el amor de me vida to say you’re the love of my life in Spanish
Estoy tan feliz de que hayas nacido. Eres el amor de mi vida.
[I’m so happy you were born. You’re the love of my life.]

Eres el amor de mi vida y yo lo sabía desde el primer día que te conocí.
[You’re the love of my life, and I knew it from the first day I met you.]

¡Bueno, claro que eres el amor de mi vida! Por eso quiero casarme contigo.
[Well, of course you’re the love of my life! That’s why I want to marry you.]

Estoy loco/a por ti

“Estoy loco/a por ti” means “I’m crazy for you” in Spanish. This expression is only used in romantic relationships and must be modified based on the gender of the person using it.

A man would say “Estoy loco por ti” to a man or woman, whereas a woman would say “Estoy loca por ti” to a man or woman.

Estoy loco/a por ti
Phrase Use Example
Estoy loco por ti Man speaking to a man or woman Ariel, estoy loco por ti.

[Ariel, I’m crazy for you.]

Estoy loca por ti Woman speaking to a man or woman ¿Cómo sabes que estoy loca por ti?

[How do you know I’m crazy for you?]

I love you too in Spanish

When someone says “te quiero” or “te amo,” you can respond with “te quiero también” or “te amo también.” It’s also common for fluent speakers to respond with “yo también” which means “me too.”

Examples: Using te amo también in a sentence Examples: Using “yo tambien” in a sentence
Person A:
Me dieron el trabajo!
[I got the job!]

Person B:
¡Lo sabía! Vamos a celebrar. Te amo.
[I knew it! Let’s celebrate. I love you.]

Person B:
Te amo también. 

[I love you too.]

Person A:
Tengo que colgar. Hablamos después. Te quiero.
[I have to hang up. We’ll talk later. I love you.]

Person B:
Yo también
Tenga buen día.
[Me too. Have a good day]

Frequently asked questions about I love you in Spanish

How do you say I love you in Spanish to a boyfriend?

There are many ways to say I love you in Spanish to a boyfriend, including:

  • Te quiero, guapo (i.e., “I love you, handsome”)
  • Te quiero, cariño (i.e., “I love you, sweetheart”)
  • Te amo, mi tesoro (i.e., “I love you, my treasure”)
  • Te amo, mi rey (i.e., “I love you, my king”)

Keep in mind that “te quiero” and “te amo” are two different ways to say “I love you” in Spanish. “Te quiero” can be used with friends, family, and romantic partners, whereas “te amo” is typically only used romantically, depending on the region.

How do you say I love you in Spanish to a girl?

A few ways to say I love you in Spanish to a girl include:

  • Te amo, bella (i.e., “I love you, beautiful”)
  • Te amo, mi reina (i.e., “I love you, my queen”)
  • Te quiero, princesa (i.e., “I love you, princess”)
  • Te quiero, preciosa (i.e., “I love you, precious”)
How do you say I love you more in Spanish?

“Te quiero” or “Te amo” are two ways to say I love you in Spanish, and “más” means “more.” Therefore, te quiero más and te amo más are two ways to say “I love you more” in Spanish.

How do you say I love you my love in Spanish?

Te quiero, mi amor and te amo, mi amor are two ways to say “I love you, my love” in Spanish.

Keep in mind that there are numerous phrases that can be used to say I love you in Spanish.

How do you say I love you with all my heart in Spanish?

“Te quiero” and “te amo” are two ways to say I love you in Spanish. “Con todo mi corazón” means “with all my heart.”

Therefore, te quiero con todo mi corazón and te amo con todo mi corazón are two ways to say “I love you with all my heart” in Spanish.

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Gina Rancaño, BA

Gina holds a Bachelor of Arts in English, as well as a certificate in professional and public writing from Florida International University. When she’s not writing, she spends her time reading.